Anatomy table 7.2

  1. Fissure
    • Narrow slit between adjacent parts of bones through which blood vessels or nerves pass
    • ex.superior orbital fissure of the sphenoid bone
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  2. Foramen
    • Opening through which blood vessels, nerves, or ligaments pass
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  3. Fossa
    • Shallow depression
    • ex. coronoid fossa of the humerus
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  4. sulcus
    • furrow along a bone surface that accommodates a blood vessel, nerve, or tendon
    • ex. intertubercular sulcus (groove) of the humerus
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  5. meatus
    • tubelike opening
    • ex. external auditory meatus of the temporal bone
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  6. Processes
    projections or outgrowths on bone that form joints or attachment points for connective tissue, such as ligaments and tendons.
  7. condyle
    • process
    • large, round protuberance at the end of a bone
    • ex. lateral condyle of the femur
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  8. facet
    • process
    • smooth flat articular (relating to joints) surface
    • ex. superior articular facet of a vertebra
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  9. head
    • process
    • rounded articular (joints) projection supported on the neck (constricted portion) of a bone
    • ex. Head of the femur
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  10. crest
    • process that forms point for connective tissue
    • prominent ridge or elongated projection
    • ex. iliac crest of the hip bone
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  11. epicondyle
    • process that forms attachment points for connective tissue
    • epi = above
    • projection from a condyle
    • ex. medial epicondyle of the humerus
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  12. line (linea)
    • process that forms attachment points for connective tissue
    • long, narrow ridge or border (less prominent than a crest)
    • ex linea aspera of the femur
  13. spinous process
    • process that forms attachment point for connective tissue
    • sharp, slender projection
    • spinous process of a vertebra
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  14. trochanter
    • process that forms attachment point for connective tissue
    • very large projection
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  15. tubercle
    • process that forms attachment point for connective tissue
    • small, rounded projection
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  16. tuberosity
    • process that forms attachment point for connective tissue
    • large, rounded, usually roughened projection
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Card Set
Anatomy table 7.2
Table 7.2 Bone surface markings