Songahm Taekwondo White Belt

  1. How many moves are in Songahm 1 and where are the kihap's?
    • 18 movements
    • 1st Kihap: 7th movement (Right Sidekick)
    • 2nd Kihap: 16th movement (Left Sidekick)
  2. White Belt first stripe requirement?
    Basic Techniques

    • Blocks: High block, Low block, Inner forearm block.
    • Strikes: Front Punch, Reverse punch, Knifehand strike.
    • Stances: Ready stance, Front stance, Middle stance.
    • Kicks: 1-4 Front kick(Snap Kick), 1-4 Side kick.

    Songahm Spirit.
  3. White Belt philosophy?
    "Pure and without the knowledge of Songahm Taekwondo. As with the Pine Tree, the seed must now be planted and nourished to develop strong roots."
  4. White Belt second stripe requirement?
    Songahm 1
  5. White Belt third stripe requirement?
    One-steps 1 - 3
  6. White Belt fourth stripe requirement?
    Self defense technique 1.
  7. White Belt One step #1
    • (A).Step back left front stance, left low block, step forward right front stance
    • ,right punch(H).

    • (D).Step back left front stance, left high block, right reverse punch(M),
    • left punch(M), right reverse punch(H).**

    **Finish each with a step/double step back to left low block.
  8. White Belt One step #2
    • (A).Step back left front stance, left low block, step forward right front stance,
    • right punch(H),

    (D).Step back middle stance, right inner forearm block, 1# right side kick, right knifehand strike(M or H).**

    **Finish each with a step/double step back to left low block.
  9. White Belt One step #3
    (A).Step back left front stance, left low block, #2 right front kick(M).

    • (D).Step back left front stance, left low block, #1 left front kick, right
    • reverse punch(M), left punch(H).**

    **Finish each with a step/double step back to left low block.
Card Set
Songahm Taekwondo White Belt
Taekwondo Flash Cards