National Definitions

  1. What is the name of a disease which is an abrupt onset of severe symptoms that run a brief course (less than 6 months) and the resolve or, in some cases, bring death.

    A. Acute
  2. Ambulatory be definition means;

    D. Able to Walk, a patients who is able to walk
  3. A case that is a departure from the common order, one that is peculiar, irregular, abnormal, or difficult to classify;

    D. Anomaly
  4. Loss of structural differentiation within a cell or group of cells often increased capacity for multiplication, as in a malignant tumor

    A. Anaplasia
  5. A wasting away of an organ or part or failure to grow to normal size, degerneration or diminution through lack of use is called?

    C. Atrophy
  6. The type of tumor that is considered the least life threatening and non-cancerous is called:

    D. Benign
  7. What is the name for a disease that develops slowly and persists for long periods, sometimes the remainder of the individual's lifetime

    C. Chronic
  8. What type of tumor is considered a cancerous tumor or a tumor that could be life-threatening?

    B. Malignant
  9. Involving or based on direct observation of a patient, the course of their disease or the observation of his health is also known as?

    C. Clinical
  10. What is the Process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation of patient history, examination and review of data.

    B. Diagnosis
  11. What is a PREDICTION of the probably course and outcome of a disease.

    A. Prognosis
  12. What is the transmission of pathogenic mircroorganisms or cancerous cells from an orginal site to one or more sites elsewhere in the body, usually by way of the blood vessels or lymphatics to grow a secondary cancerous growth.

    D. Metastatic
  13. What is the enlargement of a bodily organ or part resulting from an increase in the total number of cells or abnormal development in the number of cells

    C. Hyperplasia
  14. What is the protective mechanism that is a response to tissue damage from trauma and serves to stabilize the area, contain infection, and prepare the damaged tissue for repair.

    A. Inflammation
  15. What is the phrase that is Synomym to a tumor or any abonormal new growth of tissue

    A. Neoplasm
  16. Pain that begins abruptly, usually having a recongnizable cause and characterized by severe symptoms such as pain, swelling and loss of function

    B. Acute Pain
  17. Pain that develops slowly and persists for long periods, sometimes the remainder of the individual's lifetime

    A. Chronic Pain
  18. Approximately 70% of people with amputation experience feelings of pain or tingling sensations in all or part of the amputated limb.

    B. Phantom Pain
  19. A division of the peripheral nervous system that carries information from bones, muscles, joints, skin and special senses of vision, hearing, taste and smell.

    D. Somatic Nervous System
  20. A name for a reflex responsible for maintaining homeostasis through coughing, sneezing, and blinking and correcting the heart rate, respiratory rate and blood pressure.

    C. Visceral
  21. What is OBJECTIVE changes in the body that can be observed and measured such as swelling, rashes, fever, high blood pressure and paralysis?

    B. Sign
  22. What is SUBJECTIVE changes in the body of which only the person experiencing them is aware, such as headaches, nausea and anxiety.

    B. Symptom
  23. What type of disease affects large parts of the body or the entire body?

    B. Systemic Disease
  24. What is a group of signs and symptoms that occur to present a pattern defining a particular disease or abnormality.

    D. Syndrome
  25. Period of full-blown symptoms occuring with the disease process, when it takes its fullest toll on the body.

    B. Exacerbation
  26. A type of disorder that is present at birth and is significant enough to be considered a problem

    D. Congenital
  27. Disease or disorder in which tissue breakdown occurs caused by an overuse syndrome or the aging process

    D. Degenerative
  28. A disease characterized by uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells.

    C. Cancerous Disease
  29. Communicable disease caused by biological agents such as viruses bacteria, fungi, protozoa or parasites

    D. Infectious Disease
  30. What is a disease where nonliving entities attach to the plasma membrane of the host cell and inject their genetic material, which become difficult to treat because they mutate.

    B. Viral Disease
  31. What is the Synonym and the more recent term for the phrase Cerebrovascular Attack or CVA?

    D. Stroke
  32. What is the phrase synonym to Myocardial Infarction?

    A. Heart Attack
  33. What is a severe hypersensitivity allergic reaction in humans and mammals. May occur after ingestion, skin contact, injection of an allergen or, in rare cases, inhalation.

    B. Anaphylaxis
  34. What is the medical term for a Collapsed Lung (Atelectasis), which is potential medical emergency caused by accumulation of air or gas in the pleural cavity.

    D. Pheumothorax
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National Definitions
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