Ionic Compounds

  1. chemical bond
    force that holds two atoms together
  2. cation
    • positively charged particle
    • give electrons
  3. anion
    • negatively charged particle
    • take electrons
  4. ionic bond
    electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged particles
  5. ion
    charged particle
  6. main idea of ionic compounds
    give and take valence electrons
  7. ionic bond of hydrogen
  8. ionic bond of atom with 1 valence electron
  9. ionic bond of atom with 2 valence electrons
  10. ionic bond of atom with 3 valence electrons
  11. ionic bond of atom with 4 valence electrons
    +/- 4
  12. ionic bond of atom with 5 valence electrons
  13. ionic bond of atom with 6 valence electrons
  14. ionic bond with 7 valence electrons
  15. rule for writing formulas for ionic compounds
    needs to be neutral lowest whole number ratio
  16. properties of ionic compounds
    • 1. high m.p. & b.p.
    • 2. hard, solid at room temperature
    • 3. form crystal lattice structure
    • 4. form electrolytes when dissolved in water
  17. what occurs with an ionic compound when it is dissolved in water?
    atoms become seperate and free
  18. polyatomic ion
    ion made up of mroe than one atom
  19. oxidation state
    positive charge of an ion
Card Set
Ionic Compounds
Basic chemistry on ionic compouds & etc.