Ch.4 A&P

  1. Epithelial Tissue
    • Most composed of cells
    • covers body surfaces
    • nonvascular
    • distinct cell surfaces
    • cell and matrix connections
  2. Functions of epithelial tissues
    • protecting underlying structures
    • acting as a barrier
    • permitting the passage of substances
    • secreting substances
    • absorbing substances
  3. Classification of epithelial tissues
    • Simple epithelium(single layer)
    • stratified epithelium(more than one layer)
    • pseudo-stratified clumnar epithelium (appears to be more than one layer but is only 1)
  4. squamos
    flat or scalelike
  5. cuboidal
  6. columnar
    cells are taller than wide
  7. Simple Epithelium
    • Function; diffusion
    • location: lining of things, heart
  8. simple cuboidal epithelium
    • function; active transport and facilitated diffusion
    • location; kidney, glands and their ducts
  9. simple columnar epithelium
    • function; movement of particles, movement of things
    • location: glands and some ducts, bronchioles of lungs
  10. stratified epithelium
    • function;protection agianse abrasion
    • loaction: skin
  11. stratified cuboidal epithelium
    • function; secretion, absorption, protection
    • locations; sweat gland ducts, salivary gland ducts
  12. stratified columnar epithelium
    • function; protection, secretion
    • location; mamary glad ducts, larynx
  13. pseudostratified columnar epithelium
    • function;synthesize and secrete mucus
    • location; lining of nasal cavity
  14. trasitional epithelium
    • function;protects, accomodate
    • locaiton; lining of the urinary bladder
  15. desmosomes
    disk shaped structures with especially adhesive glycoproteins that bind cells together
  16. hemidesmosomes
    1/2 a desmosome attach epithelial cells to the basement membrane
  17. tight juctions
    hold cells together a form a permeability barrier
  18. gap junction
    small contact region between cells containing protein channels that aid intercellular commmunication allowing ions and small molecules
  19. exocrine glands
    glands with ducts
  20. endocrine
    glands with no ducts
  21. Connective tissue functions
    • enclosing and separating other tissues
    • connecting tissues to another
    • supporting and moving parts of the body
    • storing compounds
    • cushioning and insulating
    • transporting
    • protecting
  22. cytes
  23. blasts
    create maxtrix
  24. clasts
    break down
  25. adipose cells
    fat cells, large amounts of lipds
  26. mast clls
    lie beneath membranes, contain chemicals
  27. platelets
    cells containing enzymes
  28. extracellular matrix
    • 1.protein fibers
    • 2.ground substance consisting of non fibrous protein
    • 3.fluid
  29. areolar connective tissue
    • structure; cells, fibroblasts, collagen fibers
    • function; loose packing and support and nourishment for structures
    • location;throughout the body
  30. adipose tissue
    • function;packing material, thermal insulation, energy storage, and protection
    • location; subcutaneous areas
  31. Reticular tissue
    • function; provides structure
    • location; lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow
  32. dense regular collagenous connective tissue
    • function; great tension
    • location; tendons and ligaments
  33. dense regular elastic connective tissue
    • function; stretch and recoil
    • location;vocal folds
  34. hyaline cartilage
    • functions;allows the growth of long bones
    • location;long bones
  35. fibrocartilage
    • flexible and can hold pressure
    • intervertebral disks
  36. elastic cartilage
    • provides rigidity with more flexibility
    • ears
  37. spongy bone
    • provides strength
    • interior of bones
  38. compact bone
    • strength and support
    • outer portions of bones
  39. skeletal muscle
    • long cylindrical cells
    • moves body
  40. cardiac muscle
    • cylindrical cells that branch
    • moves blood through blood vessels
  41. smooth muscle
    • moves food through digestive tract,
    • spindle shaped
  42. neurons
    • conducting cells of nervous tissue
    • 1.cellbody; contains the nucleus and is the site of general cell functions
    • 2. dendrites; usually receive action potentials
    • 3. axon conducts action potentials away from cell body
  43. mucous membranes
    consists of epithelial cells, their basement membrane, a thick layer of loose connective tissue
  44. serous membranes
    consists of three components a layer of mesothelium, basement membrane, and a delicate layer
  45. mutipolar neuron
    • neurons transmit info
    • brain
  46. pseudo unipolar neuron
    • conducts action potentials
    • in ganglia
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Ch.4 A&P