nursing skills chpt 3

  1. statutory laws
    laws enacted by federal,state, or local legislatures
  2. nurse practice act
    statute that legally defines the unique role og the nurse and differentiates it from that of other health care practitioners
  3. administrative laws
    legal provisions through which federal, state, and local agencies maintain self-regulation
  4. board of nursing
    regulatory agency for managing the provisions of a state's nurse practice act
  5. common law
    decisions based on prior similar cases

    (stare decisis) let the decision stand
  6. assault
    an act in which bodily harm is threatened or attempted. Can be physical intimidation, remarks, or gestures.
  7. battery
    • unauthorized physical contact
    • (can include touching a person's body, clothing, chair, or bed)
  8. false imprisonment
    interference with a person's freedom to move about at will without legal authority to do so
  9. restraints
    devices or CHEMICALS that restrict movement
  10. invasion of privacy
    • failure to leave people and their property alone
    • this includes taking pictures w/o consent
  11. defamation
    an act in which untrue information harms a person's reputation
  12. slander
    character attack uttered orally in the presence of others
  13. libel
    damaging statements written and read by others
  14. unintentional torts
    unintentional injuries caused by a person
  15. negligence
    • harm that results because a person did not act REASONABLY.
    • (Reasonableness is based on the jury's opinion of what constitutes good common sense.)
  16. malpractice
    professional negligence---best method to avoid this charge is competent nursing and applying "the Golden Rule".
  17. liability insurance
    a contract between a person or corporation and a company willing to provide legal services and financial assistance when the policy holder is involved in a malpractice lawsuit.
  18. good samaritan law
    • provides legal immunity to passerby who provide emergency first aid to accident victims.
    • note: medical personell are still held to a higher standard
  19. statute of limitations
    designated time frame within which a person can file a lawsuit
  20. assumption of risk
    If a client is forewarned of a potentiakl safety hazard and chooses to ignore the warning, the court may hold the client responsible.
  21. documentation
    The medical record is a legal document. Nurses are held responsible or liable for information that they either include or exclude in reports and charting.
  22. risk management
    process of identifying and reducing the costs of anticipated losses. The primary tool for this is the incident report.
  23. incident report
    a written account of an unusual, potentially injurious event involving a client, employee, or visitor
  24. what is included in the incident report?

    5 items
    • 1. when the incident occured
    • 2. where it happened
    • 3. who was involved
    • 4. what happened
    • 5. what actions were taken
  25. anecdotal record
    personal, handwritten account of an incident
  26. ethics
    moral or philosophical priciples that direct actions as either right or wrong.
  27. code of ethics
    a list of written statements that describe ideal behavior
  28. ethical dilemma
    a choice between two undesirable alternatives
  29. teleology
    • an ethical theory based on final outcomes.
    • basically, "the end justifies the means"
  30. deontology
    • ethical study based on duty or moral obligations.
    • basically, "decisions must be based on the morality of the act itself"
  31. beneficence
    • doing good or acting for another's benefit
    • ie...proventing or removing any potentially harmful factor
  32. nonmaleficence
    means doing no harm or avoiding an action that deliberately harms a person
  33. autonomy
    refers to a competent person's right to make his or her own choices without intimidation or influence
  34. veracity
    means the duty to be honest and avoid deceiving or misleading a client
  35. fidelity
    being faithful to work-related commitments and obligations
  36. justice
    treating clients impartially without descrimination
  37. truth telling
    all clients have the right to complete and accurate information
  38. confidentiality
    safeguarding a person's health information from public disclosure
  39. advance directives
    written statement indentifying a competent person's wishes concerning terminal care
  40. living will
    an written instructive form of an advance directive
  41. durable power of attorney fo health care
    designates a proxy for medical decisions when the client becomes so incompetent or incapacitated that he or she can't make decisions independently
  42. code status
    how health care personel are required to manage care in case of cardiac or respiratory arrest

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nursing skills chpt 3