Lab Practical 1

  1. what is the field of view of a microscope
    the part you look into
  2. what is the ocular lens
    lens that you look through
  3. what kind of microscope do we use in lab
    compound light microscope
  4. what is the body tube of the microscope
    the white tube
  5. what is the circle thing / nose piece
    Objective lens 2nd mag
  6. what is the 4x mag used for on the microscope
  7. what is the yellow 10x mag used for on the microscope
  8. what is the blue 40x mag used for on the microscope
  9. why do we not twist the microscope to the white lens
    because it is used only for liquid slides
  10. what is the stage platform on the microscope
    where the slide rests
  11. what are the slide clips on the microscope
    hold the slide in place
  12. the left side knobs adjust what?
    slide clips
  13. what is the condenser iris diaphram
    glass below the stage platform. Adjusts the amount of light going through the slide
  14. what is the bottom of the microscope
    light source
  15. what knob turns the microscope on/off
    red knob on right side
  16. what is the course adjustment
    large knob on the outer side of the microscope
  17. how should the microscope properly be put up
    power cord should be wound from about 1ft of the base. leave about 1ft @ the end of the cord to wrap around the wound part of the cord and lay it on the platform
  18. how do you calculate the total magnification
    power octular lens x power objective lens
  19. what are the 3 types of connective tissue
    • areolar
    • adipose
    • reticular
  20. what are the 2 types of dense connective tissue
    • dense regular
    • dense irregular
  21. what are the 3 types of cartilage
    • hyaline
    • elastic
    • fibrocartilage
  22. what are the 5 types of connective tissue
    • loose connective
    • dense connective
    • cartilage
    • bone
    • blood
  23. what are the 3 types of muscular tissue
    • skeletal
    • cardiac
    • smooth
  24. what are the 3 types of nervous tissue
    • nervous tissue
    • neurons
    • neuroglia
  25. what is connective tissue classified by
    based on the presence of a cell and the type of extra-cellular matix (ground substance and fibers)
  26. what is loose connective areolar
    • gell like matrix contains all three fiber (collagen,elastin, and reticular);
    • fibroblast cell type
    • widely distributed under epithelium; and forms lamina propria and wraps and cushions organs
  27. what is loose connective adipose tissue
    matrix contains sparse amount of all three fibers; adipocytes have a flattened nucleus as a result of fat droplets contained inside of the cell; used as fuel resource
  28. loose connective reticular tissue
    reticular fibers with reticular cells in loose ground substance; found in lymph nodes, bone marrow, and spleen; fibers form internal skeleton that supports other cell types. no slides on this one
  29. what is dense regular connective tissue
    fibroblasts with collagen fibers; forms ligaments (connecting bone to bone), tendons (connecting bone to muscle), and aponeurosis (connecting muscle to muscle)
  30. what is dense irregular connective tissue
    irregularly arranged collagen fibers with fibroblasts; found in the dermis of the skin and fibrous joint capsules; withstands tension and provides strength
  31. what is hyaline cartilage
    chondroblasts produce matrix with few collagen fibers, chrondrocytes located within lacunae (spaces); found in ribs, nose, trachea, and the larynx; supports and reinforces
  32. what is elastic cartilage
    chondroblasts produce matrix with elastic fibers; supports external ear; maintains shape and structure
  33. what is fibrocartilage
    matrix similar to hyaline but less firm and also contains more and thicker collagen fibers; component of intervertebral discs; gives tensile strength. slides not available
  34. what is bone
    hard, calcified matrix containing many collagen fibers; osteocytes lie in lacunae; high vascularized; forms skeletal system; provides support and protection as well as blood production. obvious haversian (central) canal with many lamellae and canaliculi present
  35. what is blood
    erythrocytes (RBCs) leukocytes (WBcs) and cell fragments called thrombocytes (platelets); located in blood vessels; transports respiratory gases, wastes, nutrients etc.
  36. what is skeletal muscle
    long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells with striations (specific arrangement of actin and myosin); attached to skeleton and skin; under voluntary control; provides movement
  37. what is cardiac muscle
    branching, uninucleate,striated cells with junctions (intercalated discs); located in the walls of the heart; is under involuntary control; propels blood (circulation)
  38. what is smooth muscle
    spindle-shaped, uninuceate cells without striations; found in the walls of hollow organs; under involuntary control; propels substances
  39. what is nervous tissue
    • conducts electrical impulses and has integrative functions.
    • composed of neurons which are branching cells located in the brain, spinal cord, and nerves
  40. what is neurons
    transmit electrochemical signals from sensory receptors to effectors
  41. what is neuroglia
    • are cells surrounding neurons and help to feed, support, and protect
    • composed of dendrites, a cell body and an axon
  42. what is the epidermis
    • - outer surface of the skin
    • - composed of stratified squamous epithelium
    • - has 5 layers
  43. what is the stratum corneum
    most superficial layer; 20-30 layers of dead cells represented only by flat membranous sacs filled with keratin.
  44. what is stratum granulosum
    3-5 cell layers of flattened cells, organelles deteriorating; cytoplasm full of lamellated granules (release lipids) and keratohyaline granules
  45. what is stratum spinosum
    several layers of keratinocytes unified by desmosomes. cells contain thick bundles of intermediate filaments made of pre-kertain
  46. what is stratum basale
    deepest epidermal layer; one row of actively mitotic stem cells; some newly formed cells become part of the more superficial layers
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Lab Practical 1