Define Chemistry.
The Study of matter and its changes.
Define Scientific Method.
Steps in solving a problem following steps. 1. COllect data 2. Formulate Hypothesis 3. Plan experiments to test hypothesis 4. Modify hypothesis
Define Hypothesis.
is a tentative explanation of certain facts. An educated guess.
Define Theory.
A well establish hypothesis.
Define Scientific laws.
Are simple statements of natural phenomena to which no exceptions are known under the given conditions.
Define Matter.
Anything that has mass
Define Solid.
A definite shape and volume, with particles that cling toghether
Define Amorphous.
Solids that has no definate shape
Define Liquid.
They have a volume but definete shape
Define Gas
THey have indefinite volume and no fixed shape
Define Substance
A specific type of matter with a fix composition
Define Homogeneous
A subtance that has the same properties throughout
Define heterogeneous
A subtance that has two or more disticnt phases
Define Phase
ia a homogeneous past of a system seperated by physical bounderies.
Define System
The body of matter under consederation.
Define Mixture
is a material containing two or more substances can be heterogeneous or homogeneous.
What is Sceintific Notion?
To write a number between 1 to 10 multiplied by 10 raised to some power. Moved right give a negative exponent. Moved to left five a positive exponent.
What is a measurement?
A quantitive observation
Define significant figures
Digits used to express a measurement
Equation to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius
Equation to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
F=(1.8 x C) + 32
Equation to convert Celsius to Kalvin
K= C+ 273.15
Define Rounding off numbers?
Rounding a number up or down depending wheather a number is higher or lower than 5
Define Metric System
A measuring system based on the standard of 10 units
Define Mass.
Anything that occupies space
Define Weight
The effect of gravity on an object
Define Kilogram
The standard measurement of the metric system (equal to 1000g)
Define Volume
The amount of space occuppied by matter
Define Litter
One cubic Decimiter
Define Temperature
A measure of the intensity of thermal energy, or how hot a system is, regarless of size
Define Density
Desity= Mass/Volume
Define Specific Gravity
Specific Gravity= Jesity of a liquid or solid/ density of water (The ration of density of anohter subtance)
Define Element
Elementary subtance that cannot be broken down by chemical means to a smaller substance
Define Atom
The smallest particle that an element can exist.
Define Symbols
Abbreviations of elements
Define Groups
Elements that has similar of chemical properties
Define Noble Gases
Gasses and nonreactive
Define Metals
Solids at room temperature. They have high luster, good conductors of electricity and heat. Can be malleable
Define Nonmetals
Have low melting point and density, poor conductors,
Define Metalloids
Elements have properties that are intermidiate between metals and nonmetals
Diatomic Molecules
Molecutes that always excist with two atoms
What are the Diatomic Molecules
Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine
Define Compound
A distinct Substance that contains two or more elements chemical bound
Define Molecule
Is the smallest uncharge individual unit of a compound formed by the union of tow or more atoms
Define Ion
A positive or negative charge atom
Define Cation
A positive charge atom
Define Anion
Negative charge atom
Define Chemical Formula
Shows the symbal sand the ratio of the atoms in a compound
Define Subcripsts
Numbers that appear below the line of a symbal