1. Cronus
    • Titan
    • father of Zeus
  2. Themis
  3. Atlas
    • Titan
    • Carries the world
  4. Prometheus
    • Titan
    • gave men fire
    • savior of mankind
  5. Zeus
    • lord of the sky/rain god
    • cheated on wife
    • thunder bolt, eagle
  6. Hera
    • protector of marriage
    • Zeus' wife/sister
    • cow, peacock
    • Argos (city)
  7. Poseidon
    • ruler of the sea
    • gave 1st horse to man
    • most powerful
    • "earth shaker"
    • trident
  8. Hades
    • god of underworld/wealth
    • invisibility cap
    • kidnapped Persephone
  9. Athena
    • sprung from Zeus's head
    • wisdom, reason, purity
    • chief virgin goddess
    • goddess of the city-protector
    • olive & owl
  10. Apollo
    • oracle (city of Delphi)
    • healer
    • archer/silver bow god
    • musician
    • god of light & truth
    • laurel tree, crow, dolphin
  11. Artemis
    • lady of wild things
    • huntsman-in-chief
    • protectress of youth
    • good/bad sides
    • 1/3 virgin goddesses
    • Apollo's twin sister
    • cyprus, moon, deer
  12. Aphrodite
    • goddess of love & beauty
    • myrtle tree
    • foam risen (ocean)
    • stole away "wits of the wise"
    • wife of Hephaestus
    • dove, sparrow, swan, myrtle
  13. Hermes
    • master thief
    • most cunning
    • sly, tricky, self serving
    • most popular
    • Divine Herald that led souls to underworld
    • winged sandals
  14. Ares
    • god of war
    • detested by parents
    • violent, but a coward
    • not worshiped
    • romans liked him better than greeks
    • vulture, "wronged" dog
  15. Hephaestus
    • god of fire & ceremony
    • only ugly immortal (deformed)
    • blacksmith
    • kind & peace loving
    • popular on earth & heaven
    • son of HERA & zeus
    • wife: aphrodite
  16. Hestia
    • goddess of the hearth
    • every meal w/ an offering to her
    • hearths in every city for her
    • 1/3 virgin goddesses
    • hearth, home
  17. Eros
    • God of love
    • cupid
    • Aphrodite's son
    • mischevious & naughty
    • blindfold
  18. Iris
    • Goddess of the rainbow
    • a messenger of the gods (hermes too)
  19. The Graces
    • 3 of them
    • queens of song
    • daughters of Zeus & Eurynome
  20. The Muses
    • 9 of them
    • Help people forget their worries
    • daughters of Zues & Eurynome
  21. Charon
    ferries the souls of the dead
  22. Cerberus
    • 3 headed dragon tailed dog
    • guard in front of the gate to the underworld
  23. The Furies
    • 3 of them
    • punish evil-doers
  24. Satyrs
    • goat man
    • wild places on the earth
  25. Centaurs
    • 1/2 man 1/2 horse
    • savage creatures
    • Chiron was good
  26. Gorgons
    • 2 immortal
    • 1 mortal
    • dragon like creatures w/ wings
    • turned men into stone
  27. Daedalus
    built wings of wax & flew out of maze w/ son
  28. Icarus
    • son fo Daedalus
    • died in flight w/ father
  29. Tantalus
    • son of Zeus
    • only mortal to eat w/ gods
    • killed son & fed him to the gods
    • sat in a pool too close/too far from food/drink
  30. Niobe
    • rich/powerful
    • 7 sons, 7 daughters
    • saw her children die
    • changed into stone from saddness
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all of the gods