Chapter 20

  1. Attitudes
    beliefs and feelings about objects, people, and events that can affect how people behave in certain situations
  2. Cognitive Evaluation
    people often evuluate evidence and form beliefs on the basis of their evuluation
  3. Cognitive Anchors
    a person's earliest attitudes
  4. Persuasion
    a direct attempt to influence other people's attitudes or views
  5. Central Route
    use evidence and legal arguments to persuade people
  6. Peripheral Route
    it attempts to associate objects, people, or events w/ positive or negative cues
  7. Two-Sided Argument
    in which people present not only their side of the argument but also the opposition's side
  8. Emotional Appeals
    persuading by arousing such feelings as loyalty, desire, or fear rather than by convincing through evidence and logic
  9. Sales Resistance
    some people have no problem turning down requests to buy products or services
  10. Prejudice
    a generalized attitude toward a specific group of people
  11. Discimination
    refers to the unfair treatment of individuals because they are members of a particular group
  12. Scapegoat
    an individual or group that is blamed for the problems of others because the real cause of the problems is either too complex, powerful, or remote to be confronted
  13. Social Perception
    ways in which people perceive one another
  14. Primacy Effect
    the tendency for people to form opinions of others on the basis of first impressions
  15. Recency Effect
    occurs when people change their opinions of others on the basis of recent interactions instead of holding on to their first impressions
  16. Attribution Theory
    people tend to explain behavior in terms of either dispositional, or personality, factors or in terms of situational, or external, factors
  17. Actor-Observer Bias
    people tend to attribute the behavior of others to dispositional, or internal, factors and to attribute their own behavior to situational, or external, factors
  18. Fundamental Attribution Error
    the tendency to overestimate the effect of dispositional causes for another person's behavior, and to underestimate the effect of situation causes
  19. Self-Serving Bias
    people are more likely to attribute their own successes to dispositional, or personality, factors. They are also more likely to attribute their failures to situational factors
  20. Attraction
    an attitude of liking
  21. Matching Hypothesis
    people tend to choose as friends and partners those who are similar to themselves in attractiveness
  22. Reciprocity
    the mutual exchange of feelings or attitudes
  23. Triangular Model of Love
    identifies seven types of love relationships, each of which is characterized by at least one of three components: intimacy, passion, or commitment
  24. Intimacy
    closeness and caring
  25. Passion
    feelings of romantic and sexual attraction
  26. Commitment
    a couple recognition that they are "in love" and want to be together, "for better or for worse"
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Chapter 20
Chapter 20 Psyc