What is general radiation also known as?
Bremsstrahlung Radiation
Radiation displaces an electron from the k shell of tungsten atom
Characteristic Radiation
Radiation that requires 70 or greater KvP
Characteristic Radiation
X-rays originate at the�
Which electron has the highest binding energy to the nucleus?
K shell electron
The most common form of scatter radiation
Compton Scatter
Scatter where low energy x rays undergo a change in direction without a change in wavelength after interacting with matter
Coherent Scatter
X-rays are absorbed in materials and tissues by...
photo-electric absorption
The reduction of the intensity of an x-ray beam because of deflection or scattering as it passes through tissue
How tissues absorb x-rays at different degrees. Ex: amalgam vs enamel
Differential Absorption
The image on the x-ray film before processing
Latent Image
The film layer that contains the silver halide crystals
The nucleus of a helium atom ejected from a radioactive nucleus when it disintegrates
Alpha particle
Electrons emitted by the nucleus of a radioactive atom when it disintegrates
Beta Particle
The energy needed to eject an electron from an atom
Binding energy
Restricts the field of x-ray photons to a desired size and shape
The difference in image density appearing on the radiograph
A characteristic inherent in the type of film used
Film Contrast
Increased range of grays between blacks and whites on a radiograph
Long Scale Contrast
Reduced range of grays between blacks and whites on a radiograph
Short Scale Contrast
Minute subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons and alpha and beta particles
Corpuscular Radiation
A device consisting of a light source, an aperture, and a light sensor used to measure optical density
Elon and Hydroquinone; Reduce the halides in the film emulsion to metallic silver
Developer agents
Developer agent that brings out details
Developer agent that is responsible for the blackening of the exposed silver halide crystals and bringing out contrast
The unit of absorbed dose of the traditional system
The unit of absorbed dose of the current system
Gray (Gy)
The total dose resulting from repeated exposure of the same region or of the whole body
Cumulative Dose
The amount of ionizing radiation absorbed by the gonads of the average person in a population over several generations that will result in a doubling of the rate of spontaneous mutations
Doubling Dose
The amount of radiation needed to cause erythema of the skin
Erythema Dose
The minimum dose that will produce a detectable degree of any given effect
Threshold dose
An instrument used to measure the accumulated dose of radiation
Purpose is to relate exposure to risk; unit used to measure this is the sievert
Effective Dose Equivalent
A mixture of gelatin and silver halide crystals in which latent image formation takes place
A coiled tungsten wire that, when heated to incandescence, emits electrons
Material, usually aluminum, placed in the path of the x-ray beam to absorb the less penetrating x-rays
A chemical solution that both removes the unexposed and underdeveloped silver halide crystals from the coated film emulsion and hardens the gelatin
A machine that converts alternating current electrical power into a waveform suitable for the production of x-rays
A unit of absorbed dose, or energy deposited in tissue
The thickness of a given material required to reduce the ionizing effect of the primary beam of radiation to � its original value
Half-value Layer
Help to toughen and shrink the gelatin to the film emersion. Helps reduce the drying time while processing
Unit of measurement of frequency of electromagnetic radiation
How many impulses are in 1 second?
A device used to convert x-ray energy to light energy. Consists of a card or plastic sheet coated with fluorescent material
Intensifying screen
The relationship between distance and radiation intensity in which the exposure varies inversely as the square of the distance from the source
Inverse Square Law
The maximum potential difference between anode and cathode in an x-ray tube
Kilovoltage Peak
A simulated false appearance of caries due to an optical illusion caused by the difference in contrast of objects such as enamel and dentin beside each other
Match Band Effect
The produce of milliamperes and time used to calculate changes in exposure
Milliampere-seconds (mAs)
The ejection of bound electrons by an incident x-ray photon such that the whole energy of the x-ray photon is absorbed and characteristic x-rays are produced
Photoelectric Effect
A particle equal in mass to an electron but having an equal but positive charge
The theory that electromagnetic energy is transferred in discrete quanta or photons
Quantum Theory
Stands for radiation absorbed dose
Conversion of AC to DC
Chemicals that change the exposed silver halide crystals to black metallic silver
Reducing Agents
A superconcentrated solution of developer or fixer that is added daily or as indicated to the developer or fixer in the processing tank to compensate for loss of volume and loss of strength from oxidation
Radiographic ability to discern between two objects that are close together; Ability of a film to record a true image
Block the action of reducing agent on unexposed crystals. Keeps the film from being completely black
Restrainers (antifogging agents)
Form of radiation that is created at the instant the primary x-ray beam interacts with matter and gives off some of its energy forming new and less powerful wavelengths
Secondary radiation
A device that exposes film to a controlled set of light exposures. Used to evaluate a film�s response to exposure
The SI unit associated with a rem. 1 rem=100 ? Equal to a gray
All body cells except reproductive cells
Somatic Cells
Those effects in which the risk of getting the effects is dependent on the dose of radiation received. Ex: Cancer
Stochastic Effect
The escape of electrons from the heated filament in the cathode of an x-ray tube
Thermionic Emission