Counseling Theories ch 7

  1. View of human nature
    • carl rogers
    • people are good and will naturally grow and lead productive, fulfilling,effective lives
    • people have the innate ability to heal themselves
    • contrasts theories that view people as neutral or untrustworthy
  2. Nature of disorders
    • "conditions of worth" are placed on the individual which causes them to distort their image of themselves
    • mismatch b/t who they are and who they think they should be
    • people wear masks and develop facades
  3. Elements of therapy
    • relationships, not techniques
    • client has ability to grow and is an active component of change, not therapist
    • provide a supportive, non-judgmental climate so the client doesn't have to pretend to be someone they are not
    • exchange external standards for internal standards
    • present-focused, not past
  4. Role of the therapist
    • therapist attitude most important
    • active listening, reflection of emotion and content, clarification
  5. Therapist attributes
    • congruence (authenticity)
    • unconditional positive regard
    • accurate empathic understanding
  6. Contributions
    • cross cultural applications
    • encourages scientific study of the therapy process
    • research supports that empathy is key
  7. Limitations
    • criticism of the research methods (lack of control group)
    • no challenging the clients
    • lacks structure
  8. Existentialism vs Person-Centered
    • often grouped together
    • Similarities
    • respect for client
    • focus on freedom,choice,autonomy,etc
    • self actualizing tendency
    • Differences
    • life has intrinsic meaning
    • people's goodness
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Counseling Theories ch 7
Client-Centered Therapy