Music 100 quiz 2

  1. "When I am laid in Earth"
    Baroque Opera
    • Larger work: "Dido and Aeneas"
    • Composer: Henry Purcell
    • responsible for the 1st english opera
    • As dido sings, she is preparing herself for sucicide
    • The ground bass statements, the melody moves freely above it
    • Recitative and aria only
    • Chromatic scale-bass
    • Melismatic
    • Vibrato
  2. "Ev'ry Valley"
    Baroque Ortario
    • Larger work: Messiah
    • Composer: G.F. Handel
    • The solo voice is a tenor
    • The tempo is moderately fast
    • The musical setting of the word "exalted" is a sequence, melismatic, and an example of text painting
    • Just before the conclusion the tempo suddenly slows down and the voice sings alone
    • The instrument accompaniment relates to the singer as being equal or as an accompaniment to the voice.
    • English
  3. "Hallelujah"
    Baroque Ortario
    • Larger work: Messiah
    • Composer: G.F. Handel
    • English
    • Instrument: Harpsichord
  4. "The little fugue in G minor"
    Baroque solo & Chamber Music
    • Composer: J.S. Bach
    • The rhythm of the subject begins slow and gets faster
    • In the initial exposition, subjects enter from highest to lowest registers
    • The countersubject begins with faster notes than subject
    • The subject is heard in a major key twice
    • The texture is predominantly polyphonic
    • Instrument: Piano
  5. "Bouree 1"
    Baroque solo & Chamber Music
    • Larger work: Cello suite no.3 in C major
    • Composer: J.S. Bach
    • This movement has 2 distinct sections
    • This movement does not have a strophic form
    • This is a quadruplle meter
    • The polyphonic texture is suggested by leaps in the melody implying more than one melody
    • The melody in the A section features 2 fast pickup notes preceding important beats
    • Instrument: Cello
  6. "Spring, Mvt. 1"
    Baroque Orchestra
    • Larger work: (The four Seasons) Le Quattro Stagione
    • Composer: A. Vivaldi
    • The form of the opening ritornello is AABB
    • Polyphonic texture is not present in the opening ritornello
    • This work ritornellos following the opening ritornello are never repeated in full
    • The tempo of this movement is moderately fast
  7. Basso Continuo
    • 1st used to accompany singers-then spread to all other music during Baroque period
    • Needs 2 ppl to play
    • Bass instrument (cello, bassoon, etc.)
    • -plays the lowest notes/bass line
    • Chordal instrument (lute, harpsichord, organ)
    • -fills in the chords
    • Figured Bass
    • Notational system used to indicate what to play for basso continuo players
  8. Baroque Vocal Styles
    • Recitative
    • adopt rhytmhs of ordinary speech
    • does not repeat lines
    • Aria
    • expressive meoldy
    • poetic pattern
    • ternary form (ABA) de capo arias
    • Ortario

    • Opera
    • dramatic piece
    • Passion
  9. Exposition(polyphonic)
    • 1st voice is the subject
    • 2nd voice is the answer
    • 1st voice -> countersubject while 2nd voice is in play
    • 3rd voice is now the subject & 2nd voice is the countersubject

  10. Transitions
  11. The Concerto
    • Concerto Grosso-small solo groups & orchestra
    • multi-movement work contrasting a small group of solo instruments
    • Solo Concerto-solo instrument & orchestra
    • A multimovement baroque work that differs from concerto grosso in that the concertino consists of only one instrument.
  12. Ritornello
    Return, repetition. Commone in cencerto grosso. Thematic material for ripieno return between concertino passages.
  13. Program Music
    The name gives a hint
  14. Absolute Music
    Is more abstract
  15. Fugue
    A composition that uses imitative polyphony and is organized around the returns of a theme or subject and a countermelody (countersubject) that often appears with it. Fugues can have more than one subject, but just one is more common.
  16. Bass ground
    A bass line that constantly repeats a short melody
  17. Forte
    A loud dynamic level.
  18. Piano
    A soft dynamic level.
  19. Suite
    • A series of instrumental movements, each based on a particular dance rhythm.
    • allemande
    • courante
    • sarabande
    • gigue
    • gavotte
  20. Suite
    A series of instrumental movements, each based on a particular dance rhythm.
  21. Sonata
    An instrumental work consisting of three or four contrasting movements.
  22. Solo Sonata
    3 musicians
  23. Trio Sonata
    2 upper voices & basso continuo- cello & keyboard-- 4 musicians
  24. Unaccompanied sonata
    1 musician
  25. Figured Bass
    • Musical "shorthand" the jazz of the Baroque period
    • Number for chordal instrument to invent/create an accompaniment
    • plays written/given melody either "as written" or
    • freedom to add ornaments &/or extra notes
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Music 100 quiz 2
Classical Music