Sociology Test 1

  1. analysis of existing data
    type of unobtrusive research that relies in data gathered earlier by someone else for some other purpose
  2. content analysis
    unobtrusive research that studies the content of recorded messages, such as books, sppeches, poems, songs, television shows, web sites, and ads
  3. empirical research
    operates from the ideological position that questions about human behavior can be answered only through controlled, systematic observations in the real world
  4. experiment
    research method designed to elicit some sort of behavior, typically conductued under closely controlled laboratory circumstances
  5. field research
    social research inw hich the researcher observes events as they actually occur
  6. historical analysis
    social research that relies on existing historical documents as a source of data
  7. hypothesis
    researchable prediction that specifies the relationship between two or more variables
  8. incorrigible position
    unquestioned cultural belief that cannot be proved wrong no matter what happens to dispute it
  9. nonparticipant observation
    field research in which the researcher observes people without directly interacting with them and without letting them know that they are being observed
  10. participant observation
    field research in which the researcher interacts with subjects, sometimes hiding his or her identity
  11. probabilistic
    capable of indentifying one those forces that have a high liklihood, but not a certainty, of influencing human action
  12. qualitative research
    based on nonnumerical info (text, written words, phrases, symbols, observations) that describes people, actions, or events in social life
  13. quantitative research
    based on the collection of numerical data that uses precise statistical analysis
  14. representative
    typical of the whole population being studied
  15. sample
    subgroups chosen for a study because its characteristics approximate those of the entire population
  16. self-fulfilling prophecy
    assumption or prediction that in itself causes the expected event to occur, thus seeming to confirm the prophecy's accuracy
  17. social construction of reality
    process through which the members of a society discover, make known, eraffirm, and alter a collective version of facts, knowledge, and "truth"
  18. survey
    social research in which the researcher asks subjects a series of questions, either verbally or on paper
  19. theory
    set of statements or proposition that seeks to explain or predict a particular aspect of social life
  20. unobtrusive research
    the reasearcher, without direct contact with the subjects, examines the evidence of social behavior that people create or leave behind
  21. variable
    any characteristic, attitude, behavior, or event that can take on two or more values or attributes
Card Set
Sociology Test 1
Vocabulary from chapters 1-7