Radiographic Procedures

  1. What is the most common fracture point of the humerus?
    Surgical neck.
  2. Lateromedial projection of the humerus.
    Image Upload 2
  3. Lateromedial projection of the humerus?
    • Rotate humerus laterally
    • elbow joint 90 degrees
    • thumb down
    • CR: perpendicular to mid-shaft
    • 40'' SID
    • Image Upload 4
  4. AP humerus.
    Image Upload 6
  5. How do you position for the AP projection of the humerus?
    • Anatomical position
    • 40'' SID
    • CR: perpendicular to mid-shaft
    • Suspend respiration
    • This projection can be performed upright or supineImage Upload 8
  6. What are the routine images of the humerus?
    AP projection and mediolateral or lateromedial projection.
  7. Superior aspect of the humerus.
    Image Upload 10
  8. Anatomy of the proximal humerus.
    Image Upload 12
  9. What does the proximal end of the humerus consist of?
    Head, anatomic neck, greater and lesser tubercles, and surgical neck.
  10. What are the characteristics humerus?
    Largest and longest bone of the upper limb.
  11. Cross Table Transthoracic Lateral Position
    Image Upload 14
  12. Transthoracic Lateral Position Lawrence Method
    • Raise unaffected arm overhead
    • Affected arm up against bucky
    • CR: axillary border at the level of the surgical neck
    • Use a breathing technique
    • Image Upload 16
  13. Y-View Position
    • Can be done AP (table) or PA (upright)
    • Medial border of scapula and head of humerus are perpendicular to the (IR)
    • CR: perpendicular to glenohumeral joint
    • Image Upload 18
  14. Inferosuperior Axial Projection.
    • Patient supine with shoulder built up approx 3” off table
    • Cassestte placed as close to patient’s neck as possible
    • Horizontal beam through the axilla
    • Greater the abduction ; greater the angle
    • Image Upload 20
  15. AP Projection External Rotation.
    • Rotate humerus externally, palm supinated
    • CR: parallel to coracoid process
    • Collimation
    • Image Upload 22
  16. AP Projection Internal Rotation.
    • AP Position
    • Rotate elbow internally with pronated hand
    • CR: parallel to the coracoid process 1'' below
    • Do not over rotate
    • Collimation
    • Image Upload 24
  17. What are the trama views of the shoulder?
    • AP Projection Neutral
    • Transthoracic Lateral Position also known as the Lawrence method
  18. What are the routine views of the Shoulder?
    • AP Projection Internal Rotation
    • AP Projection external Rotation
    • Y-View Position
    • Inferosuperior Axial Projection
  19. Clavical anatomy.
    Image Upload 26
  20. Lateral of the shoulder joint.
    Image Upload 28
  21. PA of the shoulder.
    Image Upload 30
  22. AP of the shoulder joint.
    Image Upload 32
  23. What are the two bones that make up the shoulder?
    The scapula and clavicle.
Card Set
Radiographic Procedures
Humerus and Shoulder