English Vocab

  1. Adage
    An old saying that has come to be accepted as true.
  2. Camaraderie
    Good will and warm feeling towards freinds.
  3. Contend
    • To struggle with
    • To maintain or assert
    • A point made in an arguement
  4. Extraneous
    Not necessary; irrelevant
  5. Hubbub
    Noisy confusion; Uproar
  6. Meander
    • To follow a winding course
    • To wander aimlessly
  7. Odoriferous
    Having or giving off a smell
  8. Paraphernalia
    • Personal belongings
    • Equipment associated with an activity
  9. Punctilious
    Careful of and attentive to details especially ones related to food manners and behavior.
  10. Recuperate
    To regain health or strength.
  11. Regale
    To entertain or delight.
  12. Sedentary
    Doing or requiring a lot of sitting.
  13. Spartan
    Marked by simplicity and lack of luxury.
  14. Temporal
    Relating to the everyday world as opposed to that which is spiritual or eternal.
  15. Wry
    Turned or bent to one side in distaste or humor.
Card Set
English Vocab
English Vocab