first thirty words

  1. abeyance
    • suspension of action
    • synonyms:dormancy, latency, quiescence
  2. acquiesce
    • to give in, to comply
    • synonyms:acede, agree, assent, consent, subscribe
  3. adament
    • inflexible, immovable, obstinate
    • synonyms:inexorable
  4. affable
    • friendly, courteous, amiable
    • synonyms:cordial, genital, gracious, sociable
  5. affinity
    a likeness, a natural relationship, a kinship
  6. amiable
    • friendly, sociable, and congenial; civil and urbane
    • synonyms:good-natured, obliging, complaisant
  7. animosity
    • harsh feelings, enmity, resentment, hatred
    • synonyms:animus, antagonism, antipathy, enmity, hostility, rancor
  8. apprise
    • to inform or to give notice
    • synonyms:acquaint, notify
  9. approbation
    official approval, praise, commendation
  10. ascend
    • to move upward, to rise from a lower station
  11. assiduous
    • marked by careful and unremitting attention, constant in application
    • synonyms:industrious, sedulous, diligent
    • antonym:lazy
  12. audacity
    • excessive boldness, rashness, daring
    • synonyms:cheek, chutzpah, effrontery, gall, hardihood, temerity
  13. augment
    to make greater or to supplement
  14. avarice
    • greed for wealth
    • synonyms:cupidity
  15. beguile
    • to decieve, to mislead, to persuade with charm
    • synonyms:delude
  16. benevolence
    kindness, generosity, charity
  17. blighted
    destroyed or caused by decline or decay
  18. blithe
    • lighthearted, joyous, glad, cheerful, free of spirit
    • synonyms:jocund, jolly, jovial
  19. candid
    blunt, sincere honesty
  20. clemency
  21. commodious
    • affording ample space and room; adapted to or suitable for use
    • synonyms:capacious, ample, serviceable
  22. complacency
    the state of being self-satisfied
  23. conciliate
    • to reconcile, to pacify, to renew a friendship
    • synonyms:appease, molify, placate, propitate
  24. conflagration
    a large fire
  25. contempt
    • scorn, extreme dislike or distain
    • synonyms:despicableness, pitiableness, scurviness
  26. contrite
    • extremely apologetic, remorseful, repentant
    • synonyms:penitent
  27. copious
    • abundant
    • synonyms:ample
  28. corrugated
    bent into folds
  29. cupidity
  30. derision
    scoffing at, mockery, ridiicule
Card Set
first thirty words
first thirty words of great expectaions vocab