- High pitched
- Heard during inspiration
- Not cleared by a cough
- Discontinuous
- Loud, low course sounds
- Sounds like a snore
- During inspiration or expiration
- May clear with cough
- Continuous
- Musical nosie during inspiration or expiration
- Usually louder
- Continuous
Right lobe
- Have 3 lobes
- Right middle lobe is the hardest to hear
Left lobe
Has 2 lobes because of the heart
Normal breath sounds
- Vesicular
- Bronchiovesicular
- Bronchial
Vesicular sounds
- Heard over most of the lung
- Soft, low- pitched sound
- Inspiration is longer than expiration
Bronchiovesicular Sounds
- Heard most clearly when the bronchi and trachea are close to the chest wall along the scapular area.
- Heard as medium-pitched sounds
- Inspiration and expiration are about equal
Bronchial breathing
- Loud high pitched blowing sound
- Expiration is longer than the inspiration
- Heard over the trachea
Adventitious (abnormal ) breath sounds
- Crackles
- Wheeze
- Ronchi
- Pleural friction rub
Pleural friction rub
- caused by inflammation or fibrin deposit between the moist layers of the of the pleura.
- present on inspiration and expiration
- low pitched, rubbing or grating
Number of landmarks on anterior chest
Number of landmarks on the posterior chest
Order of how breath flow
- Nares
- Nasal Pharnyx
- Oral Pharnyx
- Pharnyx
- Larnyx
- Trachea
- Bronchi
- Bronchioles
- Alveoli