Anatomy and Physiology

  1. Study of the structures of the human body that can be seen with the naked eye
  2. Living plant and animal cells are enclosed by
    cell membrane
  3. Substance of which all living cells are composed
  4. Food materials for cellular growth and self-repair are found
  5. Building up larger molecules from smaller ones
  6. Tissue is a group of ________ that perform a specific function
  7. Brain and spinal cord are
    nerve tissue
  8. Tissue that serves as a protective covering on body surfaces
    epithelial tissue
  9. Heart, Lungs, Kidneys, Stomach and Intestines are body
  10. Circulatory system includes these organs
    heart and blood vessels
  11. Scientific study of the anatomy, stucture, and functions of bones
  12. Two bones that form the sides and crown (top) of the cranium
    parietal bones
  13. The cheekbones are also called
    zygomatic bones
  14. Largest and strongest bones of the faces
  15. The bones of the forearm are
    ulna and radius
  16. The 14 bones in the fingers of each hand are
  17. Study of the structure, functions, and diseases of the muscles
  18. Muscles that are attached to the bones and are controlled by the will
    striated muscles
  19. Muscle that covers the top of skull
  20. Muscle that rings the eye socket
    orbicularis oculi
  21. Muscle that control the swinging movement of the arm is
  22. Brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and cranial nerves make
    central nervous system
  23. The part of the nerve cell, or neuron, that sends impulses away from the cell body to other neurons, glands, or muscles
  24. Branch of the fifth cranial nerv affecting the external ear and skin above the temple is
    auriculotemporal nerve
  25. Largest cranial nerve is
    fifth cranial nerve
  26. Skin of the forehead and eyebrows is affected
    supraorbital nerve
  27. Nerve that affects the muscles of the upper part of the cheek is
    zygomatic nerve
  28. Cervical nerve that affects the front and sides of the neck as far down as the breastbone is
    cervical cutaneous nerve
  29. Sensory motor nerve that, with its branches, supplies the thumb side of the arm and back of the hand is
    radial nerve
  30. The blood-vascular system comprises the heart, arteries, veins, and
  31. The upper heart chambers ar called
  32. Vessels that carry blood away from the heart are
  33. The clear yellowish fluid that circulates in the lymphatics of the body
  34. The membrane that encloses the heart is
  35. Blood is composed of red and white corpuscles, platelets
  36. The fluid part of blood in which platelets and blood cells flow
  37. Cells that contribute to the blood-clotting process
  38. Brain, eyes, eyelids and nose are supplied blood by the
    internal carotid artery
  39. The artery that supplies blood to the upper lip and nose region is
    superior labial artery
  40. 2 branches of the internal carotid artery that are important to know are
    supraorbital and infraorbital
  41. The group of specialized glands affecting development and sexual activities is
    endocrine system
  42. Sweat and oil glands of the skin
    duct glands
  43. Digestive system is also
    gastrointestinal system
  44. Body system that enables breathing is
    respiratory system
Card Set
Anatomy and Physiology
Bones, skull, Muscle and others