
  1. what is the average heart rate?
    70-75 beats per min
  2. What is the average cardiac cycle?
    0.8 secs
  3. When a complete cardiac distole is done, the vessels are?
  4. The stethascope measures?
    the opening and closing of the AV and semilunar valves
  5. What is a heart murmur?
    the back flow of blood
  6. Where does the stimulus come from that demands the heart to beat?
    the heart (intrinsic stimulus) (myogenic)
  7. where is the sinoatrial node located?
    in the upper wall of the left atrium
  8. What is rhythmicity?
    heart producing rhythm
  9. the conduction system is located
    in the ventricles
  10. the septum between the atrium and the ventricles?
    artioventricular septum
  11. the terminal end of the conduction system?
    purkinje fibers
  12. what is the rate of the AV node?
  13. what is a heart block?
    impulses generated by the S.A. node that doesnt get to the A.V. node
  14. two parts of dual innovation?
    sympathetic and parasympathetic
  15. Parasympathetic emits this to slow down heart rate?
  16. Sympathetic emits this to speed up heart rate?
  17. vagus nerve carries what to the heart?
    parasympathetic innovations
  18. sympathetic impulses come from what to get to the heart?
    spinal cord
  19. The medulla oblongala is?
    area in the brain that contains many involuntary actions and cardiac centers
  20. the adrenal cortex refers to?
    outer part of the adrenal gland
  21. the adrenal medulla refers to ?
    the middle portion of the adrenal gland
  22. electrocardiogram detects?
    changes in the electrical impulse in the heart that can be detected on the surface of the body
  23. P wave refers to ?
    the electrical activity produced in the atrium of the heart
  24. Cardiac output is?
    the amount of blood pumped out in a given minute
  25. what is the stroke volume?
    the volume of blood pumped with one beat
  26. the ejection fraction is
    SV/EDV (stroke vol / end diastolic vol)
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