Psyc Memory

  1. Memory
    process by which we recollect prior experiences and information and skills learned in the past
  2. Episodic Memory
    memory of a specific event that took place in the person's presence or through experience. when we recall events in great detail it is called "Flashbulb"
  3. Semantic Memory
    • general knowledge that people remember
    • Example: Alphabet, GW first president
  4. Procedural Memory
    • a memory that consists of the skills and procedures one has learned
    • Example: throwing a ball, riding a bike
  5. Encoding
    the translation of information into a form in which it can be stored
  6. Storage
    the second process of memory and is the maintenance of encoded information over a period of time
  7. Retrieval
    third process of memory; consists of locating stored information and returning it to conscious thought
  8. Visual Encoding
    the encoding of picture images
  9. Acoustic Encoding
    the encoding of sound, especially the sound of words
  10. Semantic Encoding
    the encoding of meaning, including the meaning of words, this type lasts the longest
  11. Maintenance Rehearsal
    repeating info over and over again
  12. Elaborative Rehearsal
    foreign language teachers make students use new words in sentences instead of repetition
  13. Organizational Systems
    as memory develops it organizes information you learn into files and then files within files
  14. Filing Errors
    misplacing papers is just like misfiling info in your brain
  15. Retrieval
    retrieving info stored in our memory is like retrieving lost files on a computer
  16. Content Dependant Memory
    context of a memory is the situation in which a person first had the experience being remembered
  17. State-Dependant
    same emotional state/same type of memories
  18. Tip of the Tongue Phenomenon
    know something but can't verbalize it? Files in our memory have labels that include words and sounds
  19. Sensory Memory
    consists of immediate, initial recording of info
  20. Iconic Memory
    snapshot or picture of info, last briefly
  21. Eidetic Memory
    the ability to remember visual stimuli over long periods of time
  22. Echoic Memory
    mental traces of sounds or echoes last longer than iconic. acoustic codes are easier to remember
  23. Short Term Memory
    transfer of info from Sensory Memory to Short-Term Memory
  24. Primary Effect
    tendency to recall initial items in a series
  25. Recency Effect
    tendency to remember last items in a series
  26. Chunking
    organizing items into familiar, manageable units: often occurs automatically
  27. Interference
    occurs when new information appears in short-term memory and takes place of what is already there
  28. Long Term Memory
    3rd and final stage of memory
  29. Recognition
    • identifying objects that have been encountered before
    • Ex. Mulitiple Choice
  30. Recall
    • reconstruct something yourself
    • Ex. Fill in the blanks
  31. Relearning
    though we may forget, we can relearn things very quickly
  32. Repression
    push memories out of our consciousness. Repression is controversial at times
  33. Decay
    fading away of a memory
  34. Amnesia
    severe memory loss caused by brain injury, shock, fatigue, illness or repression
  35. Infantile
    Cannot remember things before the age of three
  36. Anterograde Amnesia
    forget period before traumatic event
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Psyc Memory
Chapter 7