Vocab Abnormal Assessment

  1. Alopecia
    • Balding or the head, can be normal or abnormal
    • *Men normal
    • *Women-abnormal (Stress, Thyroid problems, Vitamin Difficiencies, Medical conditions)
  2. Atrophy
    • A wasting; a decrease in size of an organ or tissue.
    • *May result from death and resorption of cells, diminished cellular proliferation, pressure, ischemia, malnutrition, decreased activity or hormonal changes
  3. Cerumen
    A substance secreted by glands at the outer third of the ear canal
  4. Clubbing
    • An enlarged terminal phalanx of the finger. Excessive growth of the soft tissues of the ends of the fingers gives the fingers a sausage or drumstick appearance when viewed from the side
    • *may be present in obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial fibrosis of the lungs, cyanotic congenital heart disease.
  5. Crepitus
    A crackling or rattling sound made by a part of the body, either spontaneously or during physical examination.
  6. Crust
    Dried serum, pus, or blood on the skin surface. Crusts are seen in diseases in which the skin weeps, such as eczema, impetigo, and seborrhea. Often yellow-brown, dirty cream or honey colored
  7. Cyanosis
    • A blue, gray, slate, or dark purple discoloration of the skin or mucous membranes caused by deoxygenated or reduced hemoglobin in the blood.
    • *Most often found in hypoxemic patients.
    • * usually caused by inadequate oxygenation of the bloodstream
  8. Cyst
    • A closed sac or pouch with a definite wall that contains fluid, semifluid, or solid material.
    • *usually an abnormal structure resulting from developmental anomalies, obstruction of ducts or parasitic infection.
  9. Diplopia
    Two images of an object seen at the same time (double vision)
  10. Dysphagia
    Inability to swallow or difficulty in swallowing
  11. Dysphasia
    Impairment of speech resulting from a brain lesion or neurodevelopmental disorder
  12. Dyspnea
    • Air hunger resulting in labored or difficult breathering, sometimes accompanied by pain.
    • *is normal when due to vigorous work or athletic activity, but should quickly return to normal when the activity ceases
  13. Ecchymosis
    Superficial bleeding under the skin or a mucous membrane; a bruise
  14. Edema
    • Swelling
    • * a local or generalized condition in which body tissues contain an excessive amount of tissue fluid in the interstitial spaces
  15. Erosion
    An eating away of tissue
  16. Erythema
    • A common but nonspecific sign of skin irritation, injury, or inflammation.
    • *caused by dilation of superficial blood vessels in the skin
  17. Fissure
    • *A groove natural division, cleft, slit, or deep furrow in the brain, liver, spinal cord, and other organs
    • *An ulcer or cracklike sore
    • *a break in the enamel of a tooth
  18. Hematoma
    A swelling comprising a mass of extravasated blood (usually clotted) confined to an organ, tissue, or space and caused by a break in a blood vessel
  19. Ischemia
    • A temporary deficiency of blood flow to an organ or tissue.
    • *The deficiency may be caused by diminished blood flow either through a regional artery or throughout the circulation
  20. Jaundice
    A condition marked by yellow staining of body tissues and fluids, as a result of excessive levels of bilirubin in the bloodstream.
  21. Kyphosis
    An exaggeration or angulation of the posterior curve of the thoracic spine, giving rise to the condition commonly known as humpback, hunchback, or Pott's curvature.
  22. Lichenification
    • Cutaneous thickenig and hardening from continued irritation
    • *the changing of an eruption into one resembling a lichen
  23. Macule
    • A flat spot on the skin whose color may be lighter or darker than the surrounding skin.
    • *Freckles
    • *Petechiae
  24. Myopia
    • An error in refraction in which light rays are focused in front of the retina, enabling the person to see distinctly for only a short distance
    • *A negative (concave) lens of proper strength will correct this condition
  25. Nodule
    *A small cluster of cells
  26. Nystagmus
    Involuntary back and forth or cyclical movements of the eyes.
  27. Obtunded
    Having diminished arousal and awareness, often as the result of intoxication, metabolic illness, infection, or neurological catastrophe
  28. Pallor
    Lack of color, paleness
  29. Papilledema
    • Swelling of the optic nerve with dilated veins, blurred optic disc margins, flame-shaped hemorrhages in the nerve fiber layer adjacent to the disc, and an enlarged blind spot on the visual field
    • *caused by increased intracranial pressure, often due to a tumor of the brain pressing on the optic nerve. Blindness may result very rapidly unless relieved.
  30. Papule
    A small bump or pimple, typically larger than a grain of salt but smaller than a peppercorn, that rises above the surface of the neighboring skin.
  31. Polyp
    • A swelling or excrescence (tumor) emanating from a mucous membrane; commonly found in vascular organs such as the nose, uterus, colon, and rectum
    • *bleed easily
    • *can be removed surgically
  32. Presbyopia
    The permanent loss of accommodation of the crystalline lens of the eye that occurs when people are in their 40s, marked by the inability to maintain focus on objects held near to the eye
  33. Ptosis
    Dropping or drooping of an organ or part, as the upper eyelid from paralysis, or the visceral organs from weakness of the abdominal muscles.
  34. Pustule
    A small, elevated skin lesion filled with white blood cells and sometimes, bacteria or the products or broken down cells.
  35. Scale
    A graduated or proportioned measure, a series of tests, or an instrument for measuring quantities or for rating some individual intelligence characteristics
  36. Scar
    A mark left in the skin or an internal organ by the healing of a wound, sore, or injury because of replacement by connective tissue of the injured tissue
  37. Serosanquineous
    Containing or of the nature of serum and blood
  38. Serous
    • Having the nature of serum
    • Thin or watery, rather than syrupy, thick, or viscous
  39. Strabismus
    A disorder of the eye in which optic axes cannot be directed to the same object
  40. Ulcer
    A lesion of the skin or mucous membranes marked by inflammation, necrosis, and sloughing of damaged tissues.
  41. Wheal
    A more or less round and temporary elevation of the skin,white in the center with a pale-red periphery, accompanied by itching
Card Set
Vocab Abnormal Assessment
N112 med term