- Chronic inflammation in synovium of patient with rheumatoid arthritis
- Collections of dark blue lymphocytes seen
- Dark area = lymphoid aggregate
- pink area near lymphoid aggregate= fibrosis
- Gallbladder in patient with cholecystitis
- Neurotrophils seen infilitrating mucosa
- Columnar epithelial cells seen
- Neurophils mainly, but allso plasma cells, lymphocytes, macrophages seen in this inflammatory reaction
- Big macrophages seen
- Vasodilation with exudation --> outpouring of fluid with fibrin into alveolar spaces, along with PMNs
- In exudation, fluid, proteins, RBCs, WBCs enter extravascular space
- Vascular stasis
- Fibrin mesh in fluid with PMNs
- This fluid collection produces "tumor" or swelling
- Extensive neurophil exudate of abscessing pneumonia
- Normal tissue destroyed in the abscess region (necrotizing pattern of inflammation)
- Granulation tissue (capillaries, fibroblasts, inflammatory cells)
- Endolthelial cells plump
- Aspiration penumonia
- Giant cell seen at upper left part of vegetable matter
- Foreign body giant cells ahve nuclei scattered haphazardly around cell
- Suture material seen
- 2 foreign body giant cells seeen just to the right of the center where there is a bluish strand from a previous operation
- Prroly formed granuloma
- Lung of patient with influenza A
- Inflammatory infiltrates of chronic inflammation are more likely to be interstitial (within tissues) rather than exudateive (above suraces or spaces) like in acture inflammation
- Thickened alveolar walls seen
- Lymphocytes within alveolar walls
- Non-caseating granuloma (2)
- Contains giant cells, epithelioid macrophages, lymphocytes, plasma cells, fibroblasts
- Silicotic nodule in lung
- Dense pink collagen seen in center of nodule (=scar)
- Bronchopneumonia in lung
- PMNs seen in alveoli
- Neutrophilic alveolar exudate seen --> productive cough
- Talc seen in patient who was an IV drug abuser
- Foreign material can produce granulomatous reaction
Epitheliod cells around center of granuloma seen (contains lots of pink cytoplasm, nucleus tend to be long and stringy)
- Wall of abscess has granulation tissue
- Prurlent exudate with some hemorrhage is seen at righ in abscess center
- Vasculitis seen - descruction accompanying acute inflammation, coagulation involved
- Arterial wall undergoing necrosis
- Thromcus in lumen
- Black dots in wall of vessel indicates inflammation
- Inflammatory cells surrounding thrombus (lower right)
- Vasculitus with arterial wall necrosis
- Neutrophilic nucelei have fragmented
- Re-epithelialization seen on skin surface
- Granulation tissue seen below (small capillaries and fibroblasts seen)