Theology Chapter One: The Gift of Being Human

  1. We are made in the ____.
    - Created out of ___- for ___
    - are the summit of _____- We are ______
    - Made ______ ( male and female- having __________)
    - Created ____ (as is all creation)
    - ______ beings ( ____ and ____)
    • 1) Divine Image
    • 2) love/ love
    • 3) God's creation/ co-creators
    • 4) complimentary/ equal dignity
    • 5) good
    • 6) Spiritual/ body/ soul
  2. Made in the ___
    -- we share in the life of the ______
    The Mystery of the ________
    - _____
    - _____
    - _____
    • Divine Image
    • -- Trinity
    • Blessed Trinity
    • - God- the Father
    • - God- the Son
    • - God- the Holy Spirit
  3. Made in the Divine Image:
    - Each and every human being has an ______.
    - ________ is proof of our ________.
    - ________ the life of each human person.
    • inherent dignity
    • Jesus' death/ dignity
    • Respect
  4. "Because of the _____ and still more the ________, nothing here below is profane for those who know ______." -Teillard
    • Creation
    • Incarnation
    • how to see
  5. Our _____ Nature
    -Experiences a ____ for God
    • Spiritual
    • -'holy hunger'
  6. _______ "You have made us for yourself, O God, and so our hearts are restless until they rest in You."
    St. Augustine
  7. Awesome capacities of being ___
    -Being Human
    -- Ability to ____
    -- Ability to ____
    -- Ability to ____
    ---- ___
    ---- ___
    ---- ___
    • human
    • -- think
    • -- love
    • -- choose
    • ---- free will
    • ---- responsibility
    • ---- Capacity to Grow
  8. Humans are Wounded by Sin
    __ and __ were tempted to be people they were not meant to be. They were not satisfied with who they were created to be.
    The evil one put __ in their thinking
    Believing in our own self (___) gives us strength to resist the __ to be someone we are not.
    __ stayed true to his identity even when the evil one tried to put __ into his mind.
    • Adam
    • Eve
    • doubt
    • BCG-FWD
    • temptations
    • Jesus
    • DOUBT
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Theology Chapter One: The Gift of Being Human
The GIft of Being Human