3 - Connective

  1. Functions of Connective Tissue
    • Packing Material
    • Support
    • Nutrients
    • Insulation
    • Protection
    • Communication
  2. Characteristics of C.T.
    • EC space >>> Cells
    • Origin = Mesoderm
  3. Components of C.T.
    • Fibroblasts
    • Immune Cells
    • - Macrophages
    • - Mast Cells
    • - Plasma Cell
    • - Other
  4. Fibroblasts ~ Fibrocytes
    • Most numerous
    • Secrete ECM components
    • R.E.R.
    • Golgi
  5. Mast Cells
    • Characterized by prominent secretory granules.
    • Some secretory products : Histamine, Heparin, many others.
  6. Plasma Cells
    • Secretes antibodies
    • Derived from B-lymphocytes
    • Characterized by "cartwheel" nucleus and R.E.R.
  7. Components of C.T.
    • Extracellular Matrix
    • - Ground Substance
    • - Fibers
    • Cells
    • - Fibroblasts
    • - Immune Cells
  8. Ground Substance
    • Glycosaminoglycans
    • Proteoglycans
    • Proteins
    • H20
  9. Fibers of C.T.
    • Collagen - Striated Fibrils, Thick Bundles
    • Elastic - Blood Vessels , Loose CT
    • Reticular - Fibers form a delicate network, Web-like
  10. Collagen Fiber
    • Collagen Types : Type 1 = most common
    • Structure: Fibrils --> Fibers --> Double Helix
    • X-links give strength
  11. Classification of C.T.
    Loose - much of the space occupied by ground substance, lots of empty space

    Dense - fiber occupies more space than cells and ground substance, less empty space. binds skin to muscle and CT
  12. C.T. Regular vs Irregular
    • Dermis: Irregular - collagen bundles run in random directions
    • Tendons: Regular - Fibers run parallel to eachother, found in tendons and ligaments.
  13. Collagenous vs. elastic
    • Tendon - collagenous
    • Ligament - elastic
  14. Embryonic ( vs. adult )
    • Mucous (Wharton's Jelly) - protects and insulates umbilical cord.
    • Mesenchyme - CT derived from all 3 germ layers, located within the embryo
  15. Special C.T.
    • Skeletal CT - Bone, Cartilage
    • Blood (Liquid CT)
    • Adipose Tissue - HIGH Cell: ECM
    • - Energy Reserves, Insulation, Highly Vascular
    • - Brown Fat: thermogenesis, protection
    • - Embryo, neonate
Card Set
3 - Connective
Exam 1