Penal Codes

  1. 148 PC
    Resisting Arrest - M
  2. 187 PC
    Murder - F
  3. 207 PC
    Kidnapping - F
  4. 211 PC
    Robbery - F
  5. 240 PC
    Assault - M
  6. 242 PC
    Battery - M
  7. 243 PC
    Battery on a Peace Officer - F
  8. 245 PC
  9. Assault with a deadly weapon - F
  10. 261 PC
    Rape - F
  11. 273.5 PC
    Inflict corporal injury on spouse - F
  12. 415 PC
    Disturbing the peace - M
  13. 417 PC
    Brandishing deadly weapon - M
  14. 459 PC
    Burglary - F
  15. 484 PC
    Petty theft - M
  16. 487 PC
    Grand Theft - F
  17. 496 PC
    Possession of stolen property - F
  18. 594 PC
    Vandalism - M
  19. 647 (a) PC
    Lewd acts - M
  20. 647 (b) PC
    Prostitution - M
  21. 647 (f) PC
    Public intoxication - M
  22. 653 (k) PC
    Switch blade knife - M
Card Set
Penal Codes
California Penal Codes for VCRA