MAN 4240

  1. Goal-setting & reward system that translates the organization's vision & mission into specific, measurable performance goals related to financial, customer, internal, and learning/growth processes. ch 5
    Balanced scorecard (BSC)
  2. Information about an employee's performance collected from a full circle of people, including subordinates, peers, supervisors, & customers. ch 5
    Multisource (360-degree) feedback
  3. Perceived fairness in the individual's ratio of outcomes to contributions compared w/a comparison other's ratio of outcomes to contributions. ch 5
    Distributive justice
  4. Perceived fairness of the procedures used to decide the distribution of resources. ch 5
    Procedural justice
  5. Theory explaining how people develop perceptions of fairness in the distribution & exchange of resources. ch 5
    Equity theory
  6. Systematically rating the worth of jobs within an organization by measuring their required skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions. ch 6
    Job evaluation
  7. Process of assigning tasks to a job, including the interdependency of those tasks with other jobs. ch 6
    Job design
  8. Result of division of labor in which work is subdivided into separate jobs assigned to different people. ch 6
    Job specialization
  9. Practice of systematically partitioning work into its smallest elements & standardizing tasks to achieve maximum efficiency. ch 6
    Scientific management
  10. Practice of giving employees more responsibility for scheduling, coordinating, and planning their own work. ch 6
    Job enrichment
  11. Psychological concept in which people experience more self-determination, meaning, competence, and impact regarding their role in the organization. ch 6
  12. Conscious process of making choices among alternatives with the intention of moving toward some desired state of affairs. ch 7
    Decision making
  13. View that people are bounded in their decision-making capabilities, including access to limited information, limited information processing, and tendency toward satisficing rather than maximizing when making choices. ch 7
    Bounded rationality
  14. Preferred alternative that the decision maker uses repeatedly as a comparison with other choices. ch 7
    Implicit favorite
  15. Natural tendency to assign higher probabilities to objects or events that are easier to recall from memory, even though ease of recall is also affected by non-probability factors. ch 7
    Availability heuristic
  16. Selecting an alternative that is satisfactory or "good enough," rather than the alternative with the highest value (maximization). ch 7
  17. Ability to know when a problem or opportunity exists and to select the best course of action without conscious reasoning. ch 7
  18. Tendency to repeat an apparently bad decision or allocate more resources to a failing course of action. ch 7
    Escalation of commitment
  19. Natural tendency to feel more dissatisfaction from losing a particular amount that satisfaction from gaining an equal amount. ch 7
    Prospect theory
  20. Reframing a problem in a unique way and generating different approaches to the issue. ch 7
    Divergent thinking
  21. Groups of two or more people who interact and influence each other, are mutually accountable for achieving commom goals associated with organizational objectives, and perceive themselves as a social entity within an organization. ch 8
  22. Principle that adding more people to a late software project only makes it later. Also called the mythical man-month. ch 8
    Brooks's law
  23. Problem that occurs when people exert less effort when working in teams than when working alone. ch 8
    Social loafing
  24. Process that consists of formal activities intended to improve the development and functioning of a work team. ch 8
    Team building
  25. Cross-functional work groups that are organized around work processes, complete an entire piece of work requiring severla interdependent tasks, and have substantial autonomy over the execution of those tasks. ch 8
    Self-directed teams (SDTs)
  26. Teams whose members operate across space, time, and organizational boundaries and are linked through information technologies to achieve organizational tasks. ch 8
    Virtual teams
  27. Time constraint in team decision making due to the procedural requirement that only one person may speak at a time. ch 8
    Production blocking
  28. Tendency of highly cohesive groups to value consensus at the price of decision quality. ch 8
  29. Freewheeling, face-to-face meeting where team members aren't allowed to criticize but are encouraged to speak freely, generate as many ideas as possible, and build on the ideas of others. ch 8
  30. Variation of brainstorming consisting of 3 stages: participants (1) silently & intedependently document their ideas, (2) collectively describe these ideas to other team members without critique, and then (3) silently and independently evaluate the ideas presented. ch 8
    Nominal group technique
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MAN 4240
Exam 2 vocab words