Week 5

  1. Green twigs
    3-5 leaflets, coarsely toothed
    put leaflets together to make typical maple leaf
    • Acer negunda
    • Aceraceae; boxelder
    • Fruit: Samara
    • dioecious
    • wood used in pallets
  2. opp. palmate
    3-5 lobes, serrated sinus
    terminal love diverges (gets wider)
    white undersides
    • Acer saccharinum (sweet)
    • Aceraceae; silver maple
    • *Fruit: samara
    • songbirds, deer eat foliages
    • shallow roots, brittle branches
  3. forms colonies
    smooth bark
    alt, pinnate leaf w/ many leaflets
    two teeth at base
    twisted samara w/ seed in middle
    • Ailanthus altissima (very tall)
    • Simaroubaceae; tree-of-heaven
    • *Fruit: samara w/ seed in middle
    • foliage may cause rash
    • Native to China, considered invasive
  4. shrub, forms colonies
    opp. ovate, fragrant, scabrous leaves
    • Calycanthus floridus (flowering)
    • Calycanthaceae; sweet-shrub, bubby bush
    • *Fruit: achene
    • deer love foliage
    • sweet smelling flowers formerly made into necklaces
  5. scaly bark, thick scales
    alt. pinnate 9-15 leaflets, many are falcate, solid pith
    • Carya illinoinensis (of Illinois)
    • Juglandaceae; pecan
    • *Fruit: nut - long, slender, winged
    • wood used in furn
    • nuts prized in baking
  6. multi-stem "poor form" tree
    wide gray ridges
    oblong, toothed leaf, bristle tip
    soft, pubescent undersides
    • Castanea mollissima (softly pubescent)
    • Fagaceae; Chinese chestnut
    • *Fruit: nut w/ sharp spiky husk
    • squirrels, humans
    • Native to China/Korea
    • Resistant to chestnut blight
  7. vine
    leaves vary: ovate, lanceolate, suborbicular
    w/ accuminate tip
    tiny soft thorns
    • Celastrus orbiculatus (round)
    • Celastraceae (Bittersweet); Oriental bittersweet
    • Fruit: capsule
    • native to eastern Asia, serious weed in NC
    • Fruits used in dried floral arrangements
    • mustard yellow/green capsule opens to reveal orange fruits
  8. 2-lobed, flat top leaft
    • Ginkgo biloba (2-lobed)
    • Ginkgoaceae (Ginkgo); ginkgo
    • probably extinct in nature
    • landscaping plant
    • dioecious
    • dried leaves used in treating dementia and Alzheimer's
  9. spreading tree
    bark w/ orange streaks
    alt. entire, ovate, milky sap, juvenile sprouts have thorns
    obtuse leaf base?
    • Maclura pomifera (pome-bearing, which it is not!)
    • Moraceae; Osage orange
    • Fruit: multiple of drupes (green at maturity)
    • very dense wood, good for bows, posts, wagon axles
    • yellow-brown dye
    • formerly planted as living fence
  10. steel gray bark with orange inner bark stripes
    bipinnately compound, crenate leaflets
    • Melia azedarach (Persian name meaning noble tree)
    • Meliaceae (Mahogany); Chinaberry, chainy-ball
    • Fruit: drupe
    • Fruit deadly poisonous
    • native to India and China
    • formerly believed by farmers to repel insects
  11. fluted trunk base
    opp. linear, peltate scales
    • Metasequoia glyptostroboides (similar to Glyptostrobus - another conifer genus)
    • Cupressaceae; dawn redwood
    • Native to China
    • used in landscaping
  12. smooth, orange bark
    leaves shinier than other mulberries
    leaves glabrous
    • Morus alba (white)
    • Moraceae; white mulberry
    • Fruit: multiple of drupes
    • Native to China
    • Introduced in colonial times for silkworm production
    • fruit edible
  13. Prickly foliage
    sterigma - little wooden needle base
    least square leaf of genus (hard to roll in fingers)
    lateral branches droop
    • Picea abies (fir tree)
    • Pinaceae; Norway spruce
    • *Cone: firm, 5-6"; scales flat w/ jagged tips "erose"
    • wood stronger than steel
    • used for pulp, dimension lumber, musical instruments
    • used in landscaping in cool areas
  14. elliptical, semi-evergreen, tiny acorn
    • Quercus laurifolia (laurel-leaved)
    • Fagaceae; swam laurel oak
    • *Fruit: nut
    • wood and wildlife similar to other red oaks
    • used in landscaping
  15. 1-3 lobes in younger trees
    fruit on bright red stalk (peduncle)
    • Sassafras albidum (nearly white)
    • Lauraceae; sassafras
    • Fruit: drupe
    • songbirds
    • roots formerly used in root beer, now carcinogenic
  16. everything glabrous
    • Castanea dentata (dentate)
    • Fagaceae; American chestnut
    • *Fruit: nut
    • reduced to a tall shrub by chestnut blight
    • wood formerly used for siding, shakes, furn, paneling, posts, fuelwood.
    • bark formerly source of tannin
    • nuts former food for squirrels, humans
  17. above 4500 ft
    2" cone w/ smooth scales
    • Picea rubens (reddish)
    • Pinaceae; red spruce
    • *Cone: 2" w/ flat, smooth scales
    • Only spruce native to Southern Appalachians
Card Set
Week 5
NCSU North Campus: Native and exotic