term exercise

  1. Mononuclear
    Mono/nuclear = cell with one nucleus
  2. Cardiac
    Cardi/ac = pertaining to the heart
  3. Pericardial
    Peri/cardi/al = pertaining to around the heart
  4. Hematology
    Hemat/ology = knowledge of blood
  5. Polyadenoma
    Poly-aden-oma = a tumor of many glands
  6. Osteoarthritis
    Osteo- arthr/o -itis = inflammation of the bone and joints
  7. Chondrocyte
    Chondro / cyte = Cartilage cell
  8. pyometria
    pyo / metr / ia = condition of pus in uterus
  9. adynia
    a / dynia = without pain
  10. hematuria
    hemat / uria = blood in urine
  11. meningioma
    meningi / oma = tumor of meringo
  12. orchidopathy
    orchido / pathy = disease of testes
  13. visceromegaly
    viscero / megaly = enlargement of organ
  14. angiorrhapy
    angio / rrhapy = suturing of a blood vessel
  15. hemangioma
    hem / angi / oma = tumor of blood vessels
  16. amenorrhea
    a / meno / rrhea = withouth aperiod/ no menostration
  17. adipometer
    adipo / meter = fat meter
  18. adenomyelopathy
    adeno / myelo / pathy = disease of spleen cord gland
  19. androphobia
    andro / phobia = fear of man
  20. hyperchloremia
    hyper / chlor / emia = excessive blood in chloride
  21. leukocytopenia
    leuko / cyto / penia = deficiency of white cell
  22. perioophrosalpingitis
    peri / oophro / salping / itis = inflammation around ovary tube
  23. splenonephric
    spleno / nephr / ic = pertaining to spleen and kidney
  24. thermalgia
    therm / algia = burning pain
  25. gastroenteritis
    gastro / enter / it is = inflammation of stomach and intestine
Card Set
term exercise