Earth and Space Science

  1. Vast majority of asteriods are found between Mars and Jupiter in the
    Asteroid belt
  2. Locked into stable gravitational configuration with Jupiter, orbiting the Sun at posions 60 degrees ahead or behind in its orbit
    Trojan asteroid
  3. When the orbit of shower meteors intersects the Earth, numerous meteors may be viewed coming in from the same point or __ in the sky
  4. Earth crossing asteroids or near Earth objects have orbits in the inner part of the solar system
    Apllo steroids
  5. Appearing yellowish because of the reflected sunlight can sometimes be seen as a distinct feature pointing a direction intermediate between the cometary path and the direction awayfrom the Sun.
    Dust tail
  6. Diffuse region around the nucleus of the comet, a region of relatively dense gas
  7. Interior to the coma is the __, a mass of mostly water ice with rocky particles
  8. Orbital periods of a few hundred to a million years or more
    Long period comets
  9. Periods of 3 to 200 yrs
    Short period comets
  10. Constant outflow of charged particles from the outer atmosphere of the Sun, which moves past Earth with a velocity of 400 km/s
    Solar wind
  11. Largest non-plantary or non-lunar objects in our solar system, larger then 100m in diameter
  12. What are the four basic categories of minor objects
    Meteoroids, Asteroids, Comets Dust and Gas
  13. Mean solar time (clock or watch)
    Equation time
  14. Great circle extends due N on the horizon through zenith to due S
  15. Stars that are always above the northern horizon
    Circumpolar stars
  16. Moon passes through the shadow of the Earth (longer duration)
    Lunar eclipse
  17. The difference between apparent solar time and mean solar time
    Equation Time
  18. Vast spherical bowl
    Celestial Sphere
  19. The point directly overhead
  20. Patterns of brighter stars
  21. Stars that are futher to the south and that rise and set sometime during
    Equatorial stars
  22. The great circle formed on the celestial sphere by extending the plane of the Earth's equator
    Celestial equator
  23. Daily time based on the hourly position of the sun
    Apparent solar time
  24. Humans naturally orient themselves by the horizon
    Cardinal directions
  25. The great circle on the celestial sphere defined by the solar path
  26. The changing of the area of the moon that is illuminted
  27. Moon phases in front of the sun
    Solar eclipse
  28. Name the four early supporters of the Heliocentric Theory
    • 1). Issac Newton
    • 2). Nicolaus Copernicus
    • 3). Galileo Galilei
    • 4). Johannes Kepler
  29. Name Kepler's three laws
    • 1). Law of orbits
    • 2). Law of areas
    • 3). Law of periods
  30. List the six characteristics of celectial bodies that astronomers study
    • 1). Orgins
    • 2). Compostion
    • 3). Evelution
    • 4). Size
    • 5). Relevative positions
    • 6). Motions
  31. Early calendars regulated what three things?
    • 1). Agrilculture
    • 2). Hunting
    • 3). Religious Activitys
  32. Apparent change in a postion of an object due to change of how it is viewed
  33. A systematic approach to research
    Scientific method
  34. Light appearing dimmer due to dust
  35. The effect of producing colors when white light is refracted
  36. Reflection occuring in particle to particle interations
  37. Number of cycles that move by a fixed point
  38. Integrated set of statements used to explain natural phenomena
  39. Earth centered model
  40. Study of ancient humankind's awareness of celestial bodies
  41. When two waves interact with each other
  42. When light passes from one mediumto another its direction appears to change
  43. When two waves that are the same interact
    Constructive interference
  44. When two opposite waves interact
    Destructive interference
  45. Sun centered model
  46. The study of the stars
  47. Discrete packet of electromagnetic energy
  48. The distance between similar positions on successive cycles of the wave
  49. Testable prediction
  50. Collects light over a large surface area and secondarily to produce a magnification of the image of the objects under study
  51. Site at which one or more telescopes have been constructed
  52. Bends the paths of light entering at every position on the objective lens to bring it to a common focus
    Refracting telescope
  53. Curved mirror as its light gathering surface primere mirror and other mirrors and optical elements to bring all incident light to a common focus
    Reflecting telescope
  54. 94% of astreoids are found between
    Jupiter and Mars
  55. To modify the surface configuration of their primary mirrors ___ to correct for the visually blurring effects of the atmosphere
    Active optics
  56. Far more efficent than photography, electronic device.
    CCD Charge-Coupled Device
  57. Used where the intensity of light is to be measured
    Photo meter
  58. Smaller bodies in between planets, defined as any rocky-metallic ojects less than 100 meters in size
  59. While heated to incandescence by atmospheric friction during their passage through atmosphere
  60. A fragment that survives to hit the ground
  61. Orbital paths intersect that of Earth in random directions
  62. Remains of old comets that have left lots of small particles and dust in a common orbit
    Shower meteors
  63. Image Upload 2
    Moon Phases
  64. What is the angle of tilt in degrees?
  65. Totally illuminating
    Full phases
  66. Right ascension of the stars that are crossing the meridian at any moment
    Sidereal Time
  67. Sept 21 happens twice annaully at or with the celestial equator
    Autumal equinox
  68. 2 reasons for the seasons...what is the tilt of the Earth include?
    • 1). Angle of the suns rays
    • 2). Length of Sunlight
  69. (increasing illimination) 1st quater to full
    New moon waxing
  70. Less than half is illuminated by sunlight
  71. Between full and quarter
Card Set
Earth and Space Science
test questions