music theory 4

  1. Define: Harmony
    The general effect of many musical lines in combonation or any singal combonation of sounds
  2. define: Chord
    a single sound composed of three or more pitches
  3. define: soprano
    the highest voice usually on a treble clef
  4. define: alto
    the voice under a soprano usually on a treble clef
  5. define: tenor
    the voice lower than an alto usually on a bass clef
  6. define: bass
    the lowest voice usually on a bass clef
  7. define: voice
    a single musical line does not nessarly mean a human voice
  8. Define: Triad
    A three note chord were the notes can be arranged to make two intervals of a third one immediatly above the other ( note it is a major third then a minor third etc.)(note that octive couplings still qualify a three note chord in this arrangement to be a triad eg: cegc is still a triad)
  9. what are the intervals in a major triad
    • root, M third, P fifth
    • root > M third > m third
  10. What are the intrvals in a Minor third
    • root, m3 , P5
    • root> m3 > M3
  11. what are the intervals in an augmented triad
    • Root, M3, +5
    • root> M3> M3
  12. what are the intervals in a diminished triad
    • root, m3, o5
    • root>m3 >m3
  13. what triad types have the best stability
    major and minor
  14. why are major and minor chords used as resolution
    they have the best stability
  15. why do major and minor chords have better stability than diminished and agumented chords
    because they contain the P5
  16. How do you form a seventh chord
    by placing a seventh above the root
  17. what types of seventh chords are there
    there are all types M m o + also the seventh can be M m o + so there are many combinations
  18. define: dominant seventh chord
    When a minor seventh is added to the root of a major triad eg g Mm7 ( g major minor 7) gbdf
  19. define: Root position
    when the 1st of the chord is the lowest voice
  20. define: 1st inversion
    when the 3rd of the chord is the lowest voice
  21. define: 2nd inversion
    when the 5th of the chord is the lowest voice
  22. define: 3rd inversion
    when the 7th of a chord is the lowest note (only occurs in 7th chords)
  23. Inversion rules:
    it does not matter what note occupies the highest voice only the lowest matters for which inversion it is in
  24. define: Chord symboles
    • used to show a chord's root type and inversion
    • a numerical superscript shows the inversion by listing the interval that appears above the lowest note (eg: Major g triad G5/3 )
  25. what is the chord symbol for a chord in first inversion
    X 6/3
  26. what is the chord symbol for a chord in second inversion
    X 6/4
  27. define: figured bass notation
    • musical shorthand consisting of a bass line along with numbers to notate which intervals should be added above
    • keyboard players would then use the chords to create a part using there taste and skill ( see page 103 and 104 in the book for complete explanation and inconsistancies)
    • rules
    • 1 numbers underneath are the intervals added above that note
    • 2 the absence of numbers implies a 135 triad
    • 3 the intervals are in the key unless an accidental is added
  28. if the book is redialy available p 107 ex a
  29. if the book is redialy available p 107 ex b
  30. if the book is redialy available p 107 ex c
  31. if the book is redialy available p 107 ex d
  32. if the book is redialy available p 107 ex e
  33. if the book is redialy available p 111 ex a
  34. if the book is redialy available p 111 ex b
  35. if the book is redialy available p 111 ex c
  36. if the book is redialy available p 111 ex d
  37. if the book is redialy available p 115 ex a
  38. if the book is redialy available p 115 ex b
  39. if the book is redialy available p 115 ex C
  40. if the book is redialy available p 115 ex D
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music theory 4
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