The major neck muscle are the…
sternomastoid and the trapezius.
Where is the anterior triangle?
In front between the two sternomastoids muscles and runs from the mandible to the suprasternal notch.
Where is the posterior triangle?
Between the sternomastoid muscle and the trapezius muscle with its base along the clavicle. It contains the posterior belly of the omohyoid muscle.
Where are the Preauricular lymph nodes?
in front of the ear
Where are the Posterior auricular lymph nodes?
superficial to the mastoid process
Where are the Occipital lymph nodes?
at the base of the skull
Where are the Submental lymph nodes?
midline, behind the tip of the mandible
Where are the Submandibular lymph nodes?
halfway between the angle and tip of mandible
Where are the Jugulodigastric lymph nodes?
under the angle of the mandible
Where are the Superficial cervical lymph nodes?
overlying the sternomastoid muscle
Where are the Deep cervical lymph nodes?
under the sternomastoid muscle
Where are the Posterior cervical lymph nodes?
in the posterior triangle along the edge of the trapezius muscle
Where are the Supraclavicular lymph nodes?
just above and behind the clavicle, at the sternomastoid muscle
Where in the body are lymph nodes accessible for examination?
- Head and neck
- Arms
- Axillae
- Inguinal region
Where is the greatest supply of lymph nodes found for examination?
Head and neck
At what age does lymph tissue develop to its adult size?
Age 6
When does lymph tissue stop growing?
Age 10 or 11
At what age does the posterior fontanel close?
1 to 2 months
At what age does the anterior fontanel close?
9 mos to 2 yrs
When does the head reach 90% of its final size?
Age 6
What does normocephalic mean?
Skull that is round, symmetrical and appropriately related to body size
What is a bruit?
Soft, pulsatile, whooshing, blowing sound heard while auscultating the thyroid gland
What is the significance of a bruit?
It indicates turbulent blood flow around an enlarged thyroid
What is the average size of a newborn’s head?
32-38 cm
How much larger is the newborn’s head from its chest?
2 cm larger than chest circumference
How much larger than the head will the chest grow to during childhood?
5-7 cm larger than head
What is frontal bulging or “bossing” indicative of in the neonate?
Prematurity or rickets
What is a caput succedaneum?
Edemous swelling and ecchymosis of the presenting part of the head caused by birth trauma.
What is cephalhematoma?
Subperiosteal hemorrhage due to birth trauma.
What treatment is indicated for caput succedaneum and cephalhematoma?
None, these are normal results of birth and most resolve themselves within the first days to weeks.
What is the tonic neck reflex?
When supine and the head is turned, the neonates arm and leg on the same side is extended and the opposite side is flexed
When does the tonic neck reflex disappear?
B/w 3 and 4 months
What does it mean if the tonic neck reflex continues after 5 months?
Possible brain damage
What is considered enlarged for cervical lymph nodes?
What is craniotabes?
Softening of the outer layer of the skull
What does craniotabes indicate?
It may occur with rickets, hydrocephaly and syphilis