Basic Chem

  1. Aqueous solution
    a solution in which water is the solvent
  2. Atom
    the smallest representative particle of an element
  3. Acid
    A substance that is able to donate a H+ ion ( a proton) and hence increases the concentration of H+ when it dissolves in water
  4. Amphoteric
    Capable of behaving as an acid or a base
  5. Base
    A substance that is an H+ acceptor. A base produces and excess of -OH when it dissolves in water
  6. Element
    A substance that cannot be separated into simpler substances by chemical means
  7. Chemical change
    process in which one or more substances are converted into other substances, also called chemical reactions
  8. Compound
    A substance composed of two or more elements united chemically in definite proportions
  9. Chemical Formula
    A notation that uses atomic symbols with numerical subscripts to convey the relative proportions of atoms of the different elements in a substance
  10. Chemical properties
    Properties that describe a substance's composition and its reactivity; how the substance reacts, or changes into other substances
  11. Concentration
    the quality of solute present in a given quantity of solvent or solution
  12. Dilution
    The process of preparing a less concentrated solution from a more concentrated one by adding solvent
  13. Electron
    A negatively charged subatomic particle found outside the atomic nucleus; it is part of all atoms
  14. Functional group
    An atom or group of atoms that imparts characteristic chemical properties to an organic compound
  15. Hydrophilic
  16. Hydrophobic
  17. Matter
    Anything that occupies space
  18. Mass
    A measure of the amount of material in an object. It measures the resistance of an object being moved
  19. Miscible
    Liquid that mix in all proportions
  20. Mixture
    a combination of two or more substances in which each substance retains its own chemical identity
  21. Molecular formula
    A chemical formula that indicates the actual number of atoms of each element in one molecule of a substance
  22. Molecular weight
    The mass of the collection of atoms represented by the chemical formula for a molecule
  23. Molecule
    A chemical combination of two or more atoms
  24. Precipitate
    An insoluble substance that forms in, and separates from, a solution
  25. Qualitative analysis
    the determination of the presence or absence off a particular substance in a mixture
  26. Qualitative
    The determination of the amount of a given substance that is present in the sample
  27. Salt
    an ionic compound formed by replacing one or more H+ of an acid or by other cations
  28. Solubility
    The amount of a substance that dissolves in a given quantity of solvent at a given temperature to form a saturated solution
  29. Solute
    A substance dissolved in a solvent to form a solution. It is normally the component of a solution present in the smaller amount
  30. Solvent
    The dissolving medium of a solution. It is normally the component of a solution present in the greater amount
  31. Solution
    A mixture of substances that has a known uniform composition; a homogeneous mixture
  32. Volatile
    Tending to evaporate readily
Card Set
Basic Chem
Forensic Chem Lecture 1: basic definitions