1. Untouchables
    in the lowest caste and had almost no rights in the society.
  2. karma
    the actions in this life that will affect you in your next life
  3. Guptas
    • was an Ancient Indian empire which existed approximately from 320 to 550
    • CE and covered much of the Indian Subcontinent. The peace and
    • prosperity created under leadership of Guptas enabled the pursuit of
    • scientific and artistic endeavor. This was the golden age of India.
  4. Ramayana
    an epic of India, one of the Puranas attributed to Valmiki and concerned with the life and adventures of Ramachandra and his wife Sita.
  5. Mahabharata
    an epic poem of India dealing mainly with the conflict between the Pandavas and the Kauravas, with many digressions: includes the Bhagavad-Gita.
  6. Sanskrit
    an Indo-European, Indic language, in use since 1200 b.c. as the religious and classical literary language of India.
  7. Arthashastra
    an ancient Indian Hindu treatise on statecraft, economic policy and military strategy
  8. stupas
    a monumental pile of earth or other material, in memory of Buddha or a Buddhist saint, and commemorating some event or marking a sacred spot.
  9. Skanda Gupta
    was a Gupta Emperor. considered the last of the great Gupta Emperors.
  10. Buddha
    “the enlightened one”. founder of Buddhism
  11. Ashoka
    • was an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the
    • Indian subcontinent from 269 BC to 232 BC. He fought (and won) many
    • battles. He converted to Buddhism.
  12. Chandragupta Maurya
    founder of the Maurya empire. Was able to conquer most of the Indian subcontinent.
  13. Kautilya
    identified as the author of Arthashastra.
  14. Mauryas
    geographically extensive and powerful empire. founded in 322 BC by Chandragupta Maurya.
  15. Kushanas
    expanded rapidly across the northern part of the Indian subcontinen. diplomatic contacts with Rome, Persia and Han China.
  16. Tamil
    a member of a people of Dravidian stock of S India and Sri Lanka.
  17. Reincarnation
    the rebirth of ones soul after death.
  18. Nirvana
    freedom from the cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism.
  19. Gurus
    an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader.
  20. Dharma
    custom, duty, or one's own quality or character.
  21. Upanishads
    class of speculative prose treatises. represent a philosophical development beyond the Vedas, having as their principal message the unity of Brahman and Atman.
  22. Mandala
    any of various designs symbolizing the universe, usually circular.
  23. Kama Sutra
    in Sanskrit literature, a treatise on love and sexual technique.
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chapter 3 vocabulary