Chapter 16 - Routine Mx of the puerperium

  1. Which of the following influences the initiation of
    a. incr levels of prolactin and progesterone
    b. length of labour
    c. incr levels of prolactin and wdrawal of
    progesterone post-delivery
    d. the desire of the mother to breastfeed her baby
    e. return of progesterone and oestrogen to
    pre-delivery levels
  2. The process of involution is usually monitored by which ofthe following?
    a. the return of ovulation and menstruation, signifying the process is complete
    b. ensuring the woman is able to pass urine post-delivery
    c. the transition of lochia rubra to lochia serosa
    d. the closing of the internal cervical os
    e. palpation of the descent of the uterine fundus
  3. Which of the following is good advice for a woman who has had a c-section for breech presentation?
    a. in a subsequent pregnancy, it is important for
    the woman to attend early antenatal care and discuss the proposed mod ofdelivery w the obstetrician
    b. it is important to avoid intercourse for
    3-4months after c-section
    c. a repeat c-section is necessary in a subsequent
    d. a fetal malpresentation is highly likely to
    occur again in her hext pregnancy
    e. home birth would be a safe option in her next
  4. Which of the following statements about c-sections is not true?
    a. regional analgesia is preferable to gen anaesthesia
    b. meds are given before c-section to incr gastric
    c. maternal morbidity rates are the same for
    vaginal birth as for c-section
    d. lower uterine segment c-section is practised to
    reduce complications in subsequent pregnancies
    e. c-section is assoc w an incr risk of venous
    thrombo-embolism when compared to vaginal delivery
  5. Which are the most common clinical signs of endometritis?
    a. 2ndary PPH
    b. uterine tenderness and vaginal bleeding
    c. uterine tenderness, putulent lochia nad fever
    d. subinvolution and secondary PPH
    e. lower abdo pain and dysuria
  6. Which of the following does not incr the risk of puerperal sepsis?
    a. prolonged rupture of membranes
    b. frequent use of urinary catheters
    c. assisted birth – vacuum or forceps
    d. primiparity
    e. c-section
  7. A 2nd decree perineal tear does not include which
    of the following structures?
    a. bulbocaverosus muscle
    b. anal sphincter
    c. vaginal mucosa
    d. transverse perineal muscle
    e. perineal skin
  8. Which Ix would you order for a woman with a mild 2ndary PPH
    a. FBC
    b. Blood group
    c. Vaginal cultures
    d. US of the uterine cavity
    e. All of the above
  9. Which of the following may speculum examination of a woman with a moderate 2ndary PPH show?
    a. blood clots in the cervical canal
    b. cervical dilatation
    c. clinical signs of severe endometritis
    d. bleeding from a vaginal tear
    e. all of the above
  10. Advice for a woman w a 2nd decree perineal tear should include which of the following?
    a. avoidance of intercourse for 3 months
    b. reassurance that the wound will be healed in 6/52
    c. avoidance of constipation as the tear has involved the rectal sphincter
    d. delay in starting pelvic floor exercises until 2/12 postpartum
    e. encouragement to keep the area clean and report to the doctor if there is any pain, incr odour or discharge from the site.
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Chapter 16 - Routine Mx of the puerperium