Chapter1 and Chapter2

  1. Bony portion of head; encloses and protects the brain and gives shape to the face
  2. Anterior portion of head not normally covered by scalp
  3. Body area between head and trunk
  4. Central body area to which head and limbs are attached
  5. Area of trunk between neck and abdomen; contains heart and lungs
  6. Area of trunk between chest and pelavis; contains digestive organs
  7. Area of trunk below abdomen; contains internal reproductive organs and urinary bladder
  8. Posterior portion of trunk between neck and buttocks
  9. Curved area where upper limb attaches to upper border of trunk
  10. Under-arm area where upper limb attaches to trunk
  11. Area of upper limb between shoulder and elbow
  12. Area of upper limb between elbow and wrist
  13. Portion of hand that connects hand to forearm
  14. Includes wrist and fingers
  15. Rounded area on posterior surface where thigh attaches to trunk
  16. Area on anterior surface marked by a crease where lower limb attaches to the pelvis
  17. Area of lower limb above the knee
  18. Area of lower limb between knee and ankle
  19. Portion of foot that connects foot to leg
  20. Includes ankle and toes
  21. The head is superior to the neck
  22. The neck is inferior to the head
  23. The lips are anterior to the teeth
    Closer to the front of the body (ventral)
  24. The teeth are posterior to the lips
    Closer to the back of the body (dorsal)
  25. The nose is medial to the eyes
    Closer to midline of the body
  26. The eyes are lateral to the nose
    Farther from midline of the body
  27. The elbow is intermediate between the shoulder and the wrist
    Between two structures
  28. The right arm and right leg are ipsilateral
    On same side of body
  29. The right arm and left arm are contralateral
    On opposite sides of the body
  30. The elbow is proximal to the wrist
    Nearer to point of attachment of llimb to trunk
  31. The wrist is distal to the elbow
    Farther from point of attachment of limb to trunk
  32. The skin is superficial to the muscles
    Closer to surface of the body
  33. The muscles are deep to the skin
    Farther from the surface of the body
  34. Axial
    Pertaining to the central part of the body, the head and the trunk
  35. Cephalic
    Pertaining to the head
  36. Cranial
    Pertaining to the portion of the skull surrounding the brain
  37. Facial
    Pertaining to the face
  38. Frontal
    Pertaining to the forehead
  39. Orbital
    Pertaining to the eye
  40. Otic
    Pertaining to the ear
  41. Nasal
    pertaining to the nose
  42. Buccal
    pertaining to the cheek
  43. Oral
    pertaining to the mouth
  44. Mental
    pertaining to the chin
  45. Occipital
    Pertaining to the back of the head
  46. Cervical
    Pertaining to the neck
  47. Thoracic
    pertaining to the chest
  48. Sternal
    pertaining to the breast bone
  49. Mammary
    pertaining to the breast
  50. Abdominal
    pertaining to the abdomen
  51. Umbilical
    pertaining to the navel
  52. Coxal
    pertaining to the hip
  53. Pelvic
    pertaining to the pelvis
  54. Pubic
    pertaining to the genital area
  55. Dorsal
    pertaining to the back
  56. Scapular
    pertaining to the shoulder blade region
  57. Vertebral
    pertaining to the spinal column
  58. Lumbar
    pertaining to the area of the back between the lowest rib and buttocks
  59. Appendicular
    pertaining to the extremities or limbs
  60. Acromial
    pertaining to the highest point of the shoulder
  61. Axillary
    pertaining to the armpit
  62. Brachial
    pertaining to the arm
  63. Antecubital
    pertaining to the anterior (front) surface of the elbow
  64. Olecranal
    pertaining to the posterior (back) surface of the elbow
  65. Antebrachial
    pertaining to the forearm
  66. Carpal
    pertaining to the wrist
  67. Manual
    pertaining to the hand
  68. Palmar
    pertaining to the palm of the hand
  69. Digital
    pertaining to the digits (fingers or toes)
  70. Inguinal
    pertaining to the groin where the thigh attaches to the pelvis
  71. Gluteal
    pertaining to the buttocks
  72. Femoral
    pertaining to the thigh
  73. Patellar
    pertaining to the anterior (front) surface of the knee
  74. Popliteal
    pertaining to the posterior (back) surface of the knee
  75. Crural
    pertaining to the anterior (front) surface of the leg
  76. Fibular (peroneal)
    pertaining to the lateral side of the leg
  77. Sural
    pertaining to the posterior (back) surface of the leg
  78. Tarsal
    pertaining to the ankle
  79. Pedal
    pertaining to the foot
  80. Plantar
    pertaining to the sole of the foot
  81. Calcaneal
    pertaining to the heel
Card Set
Chapter1 and Chapter2
Anatomical and directional terms, planes, organ systems, and body cavities