Korean Lesson 1.3-1.4

  1. 가수
    • ka-su
    • singer
  2. 간호사
    • ka-no-sa
    • nurse
  3. 경찰관
    • kyeong-chal-kwan
    • police officer
  4. 교사
    • kyo-sa
    • teacher
  5. 교수
    • kyo-su
    • professor
  6. 기자
    • ki-cha
    • reporter/journalist
  7. 대학생
    • dae-hak-saeng
    • college student
  8. 변호사
    • pyeo-no-sa
    • laywer
  9. 바서
    • pi-seo
    • secretary
  10. 은행원
    • eu-naeng-weon
    • bank clerk/teller
  11. 의사
    • eui-sa
    • doctor
  12. 학생
    • hak-saeng
    • student
  13. 회사원
    • hwe-sa-weon
    • office worker (white collar)
  14. 학교
    • hak-kyo
    • school
  15. 사장
    • sa-chang
    • president/owner/head
  16. 직업
    • chi-keop
    • occupation, profession
  17. 회사
    • hwe-sa
    • company/corporation/firm
  18. 캄퓨터
    • kam-pyu-teo
    • computer
  19. 무엇
    • mu-eot
    • what, which
  20. 누구
    • nu-gu
    • who
  21. 그런데
    • keu-reon-de
    • but, however
  22. 그럼
    • keu-reom
    • then, well, if so
  23. 반갑다
    • pan-gap-da
    • to be pleased to; to be glad to
  24. 가다
    • ka-da
    • to go
  25. 듣다
    • teut-da
    • to listen to; to hear
  26. 만나다
    • man-na-da
    • to meet
  27. 먹다
    • meok-da
    • to eat
  28. 쓰다
    • seu-da
    • to write
  29. 오다
    • o-da
    • to come
  30. 인사하다
    • in-sa-ha-da
    • to greet; to bow
  31. 읽다
    • ik-da
    • to read
  32. 입다
    • ip-da
    • to wear
  33. 자다
    • cha-da
    • to sleep
  34. 처임뵙겠습니다
    • cheo-eum-pwep-ket-seum-ni-da
    • Nice to meet you. How do you do?
Card Set
Korean Lesson 1.3-1.4
korean vocab