1. Untouchables
  2. in
    • the lowest caste and had
    • almost no rights in the society.
  3. karma
  4. the
    actions in this life that will affect you in your next life.
  5. Guptas
  6. was
    • an Ancient Indian empire which existed approximately from 320 to 550
    • CE and covered much of the Indian Subcontinent. The peace and
    • prosperity created under leadership of Guptas enabled the pursuit of
    • scientific and artistic endeavor. This was the golden age of India.
  7. Ramayana
    • an
    • epic of India, one of the Puranas attributed
    • to Valmiki and concerned
    • with the life
    • and adventures of
    • Ramachandra and his wife Sita.
  8. Mahabharata
    • an
    • epic poem of India dealing
    • mainly with the conflict
    • between the Pandavas and
    • the Kauravas, with many
    • digressions: includes the Bhagavad-Gita.
  9. Sanskrit
    • an
    • Indo-European, Indic
    • language, in
    • use since
    • c1200 b.c. as the
    • religious and
    • classical literary
    • language of India.
  10. Arthashastra
  11. an
    • ancient Indian Hindu treatise on statecraft, economic policy and
    • military strategy
  12. stupas
    • a
    • monumental pile of earth
    • or other material, in memory of Buddha or a Buddhist
    • saint, and commemorating
    • some event or marking a sacred spot.
  13. Skanda
  14. was
    a Gupta Emperor. considered the last of the great Gupta Emperors.
  15. Buddha
    • “the enlightened one”.
    • founder of
    • Buddhism.
  16. Ashoka
  17. was
    • an Indian emperor of the Maurya Dynasty who ruled almost all of the
    • Indian subcontinent from 269 BC to 232 BC. He fought (and won) many
    • battles. He converted to Buddhism
  18. Chandragupta
    • founder
    • of the
    • Maurya
    • empire.
    • Was able to conquer most of the Indian subcontinent.
  19. Kautilya
  20. identified
    as the author of Arthashastra.
  21. Mauryas
  22. geographically
    • extensive and powerful empire. founded in 322 BC by Chandragupta
    • Maurya.
  23. Kushanas
  24. expanded
    • rapidly across the northern part of the Indian subcontinen.
    • diplomatic contacts with Rome, Persia and Han China.
  25. Tamil
    • a
    • member of a people of
    • Dravidian stock of S India and Sri Lanka.
  26. Reincarnation
  27. the
    rebirth of ones soul after death.
  28. Nirvana
  29. freedom
    from the cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism.
  30. Gurus
    • an
    • intellectual or
    • spiritual guide
    • or leader.
  31. Dharma
    • custom,
    • duty, or one's own quality or character.
  32. Upanishads
    • class
    • of speculative prose treatises. represent a
    • philosophical development
    • beyond the
    • Vedas, having as their principal message the unity of Brahman and
    • Atman.
  33. Mandala
    • any
    • of various designs symbolizing the universe, usually circular.
  34. Kama
    • in
    • Sanskrit literature,
    • a treatise on love and sexual technique
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