Radiology glossary quiz

  1. Angulation
    The direction or angle at which the central ray and PID of the xray machine are aimed at the teeth and film
  2. Anterior
    Front teeth of either jaw (incisor and canine teeth)
  3. Apex
    The point or extremity of the tooth root (pl., apices)
  4. Bite-wings
    A radiographic view that shows the crowns of the upper and lower posterior teeth and the alveolar bone crest of the maxilla and mandible
  5. Buccal
    Surface of the tooth towards the cheek
  6. Central Ray
    The middle of the primary beam (=central beam)
  7. Collimator
    A device that helps eliminate peripheral radiation
  8. Cone Cutting
    An error in PID placement that results in part of the film being unexposed
  9. Contrast
    The difference in density between adjacent (radiolucent and radiopaque) areas of an image
  10. Density
    The degree of blackness of an image
  11. Distal
    Surface of the tooth towards the back of the mouth, away from the midline
  12. Elongation
    An error in vertical angulation resulting in an image that appears to be too long
  13. Embossed dot
    = identification dot; a circle on the corner of the xray film packet that corresponds to a raised area on one side of the film. It is used to determine which side of the film was struck by the xray.
  14. Exposure Time
    The amount of time the xray beam is released during the taking of one radiograph
  15. Extraoral
    A radiographic technique in which the film is placed outside of the mouth during exposure
  16. Foreshortening
    An error in angulation resulting in an image of reduced height
  17. Horizontal Angulation
    The direction of the xray beam in the horizontal plane (ie. parallel with the floor)
  18. Incisal Edge
    The cutting edge of the anterior teeth
  19. Intraoral
    A radiographic technique in which the film is placed inside the mouth during exposure
  20. KiloVolt (kV)
    1000 volts; the unit of measure for the penetrating power of the xray beam
  21. Labial
    Surface of the tooth towards the lips
  22. Lingual
    Surface of the tooth towards the tongue
  23. Long Cone
    Cylinder (PID) on xray machines where anode-film distance is 12 to 20 inches
  24. Mandible
    lower jaw
  25. Maxilla
    upper jaw
  26. Mesial
    Surface of the tooth towards the front; closest to the midline
  27. Mid-saggital Plane
    = Midline; an imaginary vertical line or plane passing through the center of the body that divides it into right and left havles
  28. Milliampere (mA)
    1/1000 of an ampere, the unit of measure of quantity of radiation
  29. Occlusal Surface
    Surface of a premolar or molar that meets the opposing teeth in the closure of jaw (ie. biting surface)
  30. Overlapping
    superimposition of the image of one tooth over part of another, produced when the central ray is not perpendicular to the film and teeth in the horizontal plane
  31. Periapical
    Around the apex of the tooth (used to refer to radiographs that show the crown, root, and supporting structures of the tooth)
  32. PID
    = Position Indicating Device; any device attached to the tubehead at the aperture to direct the useful beam of radiation; long or short, cylindrical or rectangular, open or closed (pointed) at tip
  33. Posterior
    Teeth of either jaw behind the incisors and canines. ie. premolars and molars
  34. Primary Beam
    the main flow of xrays from the xray machine
  35. Radiolucent
    structures that are permeable to xrays, producing black areas on radiographs
  36. Radiopaque
    structures that absorb xrays, produce light areas on radiographs
  37. Scattered Radiation
    Xrays deflected from exposed tissue to adjacent tissue, or xrays deflected within the tubehead; weaker than primary radiation
  38. Short Cone
    Cylinder (PID) on dental xray machines where anode-film distance is 9 inches or less
  39. Vertical Angulation
    Angle made between the xray beam and a line parallel to the floor
  40. Xray
    A high energy electromagnetic wave that can penetrate solid matter
  41. XCP
    Extension cone paralleling instrument (made by RINN)
  42. XCP Technique
    Long cone technique = right angle technique = paralleling technique. This technique consists of placing the film packet parallel to the longitudinal axis of the tooth and directing the central ray perpendicular to tooth and film packet
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Radiology glossary quiz
PCC 116, week 0