
  1. Pathology
    The study and functional changes in cells, tissues, and organs underlying disease
  2. Pathophysiology
    Changes in the physiological factors that underlie states
  3. Virulence
    Ability to cause severity of disease
  4. Etiology
    Cause of disease
  5. Pathogenisis
    Mechanisms by which disease develops
  6. Morphological changes
    Alterations in cells and organs
  7. Clinical significance
    Consequences of the alterations
  8. Cellular Envelope
    • Cytoplasmic structure
    • Cell wall
    • S-layer
  9. Cell Wall
    • External to cyto membrane
    • = murein + outer membrane + Braun lipoprotein
  10. Cell membrane
    • = cytoplasmic membrane
    • Bacterial membranes have hopanoids, not sterols
  11. Peptidoglycan
    • Gives cell rigidity
    • Consists of alternating units of two modified sugars
    • (NAM & NAG)
    • Chains are cross-linked btw NAM units
  12. Gram POSITIVE
    • Single thick layer - Peptidoglycan or murein
    • Teichoic acids
    • Lipoteichoic acids - Bound to lipids
  13. Gram NEGATIVE
    • Multi-layered, complex
    • Thin layered peptidoglycan btw 2 lipid bilayers
    • No teichoic acids
    • outer membrane - Phospholipid bilayer, LPS, Proteins (Porins)
  14. S-Layer (Crystalline Surface Layer)
    • Arrangement in gram positive and negatives
    • Protein subunits (protien, glycoprotein)
    • arranged in hexagonal or tetragonal
    • Functions (4)
  15. 3 Reasons to care about bacterial cell structure
    • Point of attack for most abundant drugs
    • Imparts virulence factors
    • Mechanisms of identification for bacteria
  16. Proteins of Cytoskeleton
    FtsZ, MreB, CreS
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