Chapter 14- Specific obstetric emergencies

  1. Which of the following is most characteristic of placenta praevia?

    E. painless vaginal bleed
  2. Which of the following should not be part of the inital assessment of a pt w antepartum haemorrhage?
    a. abdo palpation
    b. VE
    c. US
    d. coagulation studies
    e. CTG
    VE should not be performed until placenta praevia has been excluded by US
  3. Which of the following is true of primary PPH?
    a. blood loss postpartum is usually overestimated
    b. primary PPH is a rare obstetric event
    c. primary PPH is still a major cause of maternal mortality
    d. Primary PPH doesn't occur w c-section
    e. primary PPH can occur anytime in the first 6/52 postpartum
    • PPH usually underestimated
    • common
    • true
    • <500 for nvd, <1000mL for c-section
    • primary = <24hrs
  4. Which of the following is true of primary postpartum haemorrhage?

  5. The Mx of established primary PPH:

    • B.
    • normal saline or hartmanns (crystalloids)
  6. Which of the following is true of shoulder dystocia?
    a. from the time of deliery of the fetal head to delivery of the fetal body, 15mins can elapse before the fetus becomes hypoxic
    b. shoulder dystocia is more common in mothers w diabetes mellitus
    c. shoulder dystocia is more common w N delivery
    d. shoulder dystocia doen't occur w a N-sized baby
    e. fundal pressure helps to deliver the baby
    • maternal risk factors
    • - previous shoulder dystocia
    • - diabetes
    • - instrumental vaginal delivery
    • - prolonged 1st and 2nd stage labour
    • - short maternal stature
    • - maternal obesity
    • fetal risk factors
    • - fetal macrosomia
    • - post-date pregnancy
    • - fetal anomalies
  7. Which of the following is true of a malpresentation?

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Chapter 14- Specific obstetric emergencies