
  1. what is space
    an element of art that refers to the three-dimensionality of sculpture and architecture and to an illusion of depth in two dimensional pieces
  2. What words all indicate position or action in space
    above, below, around, behind, into, and through
  3. In art, what does space refer to?
    Three-dimensionality of sculpture and architecture. It might also refer to the sense of depth in a two-dimensional artwork.
  4. space is all around you, it is sometimes ___ and sometimes ___.
    crowded and open
  5. What is Pelagos?
    It is a spiracle sculpture by Barbara Hepworth. Consider how your eye walks through it - its use of space.
  6. What is three dimensional space
    An object that has 3 dimensional space has height, width and depth. In art, architects and sculptors are those most likely to work with such space. A building and a sculpture has space that you can walk inside of or around.
  7. What is positive space and give an example
    the object or structure itself, such as a statue
  8. what is negative space and give examples
    The area surrounding the object or structure, such as the blue sky and clouds around the statue. In a building, the negative space is the area inside the structure.
  9. What is Henry Moore Known for?
    The use of negative space in his sculptures. Like the lincoln center reclining form where the subjects were sleeping in a bomb shelter
  10. how is the term flowing space used in design
    Architects add windows, skylights, and other devices to buildings to help make the exterior space flow though and become part of the interior. Sculptures and other 3-dimensional forms constructed on wire or glass or pierced with holes are other examples of flowing space. Such works tend to break the boundaries between positive and negative space.
  11. What is two-dimensional space?
    The surface has height and width but no depth. It is flat.
  12. What is the name of the Vincent Van Gogh painting in this reading? what is the subject of the painting and what technique is used to show surface depth?
    It is called Roulin's Baby. The technique is called impasto, where thick applications of oil paint where used to create surface depth on the canvas.
  13. What is the picture plane
    The flat surface on which an artist works-whether it be paper, canvas, or a wall-is called the picture plane.
  14. What has few artists done to create surface depth?
    Apply oil paint thickly to a canvas, collage artists might build up a flat surface with fabric, sand, or bits of wood. Other artists sometimes cut or tear the canvas or paper as part of their working method.
  15. How does an artist create an illusion of depth
    By manipulating line, color, value, and shape.
  16. what is composition
    The organization of elements and their placement on the picture plan is called composition.
  17. how does the addition of black shapes change the negative space from the original composition? Does the black square also seem to change?
    The shapes in a two dimensional work also have a relationship to the edges or shape of the paper or canvas. A square shape placed in the lower right creates a different space then that placed in the middle of page. Also the feeling of space can be altered by changing the picture plane, whether it is paper or canvas.
  18. What is Point of view?
    A building appears different from the street than from the roof next door because the angle or the point of view. Spatial relationships change as your angle or point of view changes. Artists or photographers take advantage of point of view to produce dramatic spatial effects.
  19. What does shading and shadows help make a shape appear to have?
    roundness or three-dimensionality.
  20. What are the nonlinear methods or techniques that create the illusion of depth?
    Position, overlapping, size variation, color, value
  21. explain position
    Place an object or shape higher on the page to make it seem farther away.
  22. explain overlapping
    Place one shape on top of another to produce a feeling of depth
  23. explain size variation
    combine similar objects of different sizes. The smaller objects will seem farther away than the larger ones
  24. explain color
    Use color to create a sense of depth. a shape of bold color on a more neutral-colored background appears to move forward.
  25. explain value
    lighter values tend to recede behind darker ones. In a landscape, you might use increasingly lighter shades of blue to create the illusion of a hazy atmosphere in the distance
  26. What is perspective
    The method of depicting three-dimensional space on a two-dimensional surface is called perspective.
  27. What is linear perspective
    A much used art technique and the best way by which artists create the illusion of depth on a flat surface. All parallel lines of projection converge at the vanishing point, and associated objects are rendered smaller the farther from the viewer they are intended to seem.
  28. What is a vanishing point
    That spot on the horizon toward which parallel lines appear to converge and at which they seem to disappear.
  29. What is one-point perspective?
    When artist use linear perspective in combination with a single vanishing point, they are using one-point perspective
  30. What artwork in the reading shows one-point perspective?
    • Getty villa by Julius Shulman
    • Bonaire by Marion Bognesi
    • and The architectural perspective : View of Ideal city . painter is anonymous
  31. What is two point perspective
    Uses parallel lines that seem to lead to two different vanishing points set far apart. To create the appearance of three-dimensionality for objects placed at an angle to the viewers line of sight, you must use two point perspective
  32. True or false.
    Artists combine different ways of depicting space and depth in one artwork?
  33. Who is the artist of The Molo, Venice? what is it an example of?
    Canaletto. two point perspective
  34. who painted Paper workers? What is it know for
    Douglas Crockwell -2 pt perspective
  35. what is subjective space
    Artist use their imagination and emotions to manipulate and transform space and reality, creating subjective spaces that bear little resemblance to the real world
  36. How are spaces distorted and deceptive?
    artists may use unusual spaces to confuse, surprise, and educate their viewer. Their works may cause you to question whether the space depicted is flat or 3 dimensional or whether the composition could actually occur in space and time as we know it.
  37. What is an example of distorted space?
    The Tribute Money by Masaccio. It is part of the fresco cycle in a chapel in the church of santa maria del carmine in Florence.
  38. What is cubism?
    group of subjective artist that depicted space in a new way-objects and figures might be recognizable, but their shapes and spaces they inhabit do not resemble those in the real world. The cubist flattened space, fractured forms, experimented with color and added lines where none really exist. The objects they depicted usually resembled squares, or cubes.
  39. What did cubist do that was contrary to nature and the lens
    Objects seem to stand straight up and to slant toward the viewer. Such treatment of space is contrary to nature and the cameral lens, but it allows an artist to share his or her imagination and creative energy.
  40. who where the leading supporters of the cubist style? Who is the most known cubist and the creator of the collage what was it called in the beginning?
    Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque, Juan Gris were the leading supporters of the cubist style. Picasso is the most known cubism. His Guitar was a new art form called constructed sculpture. Picasso also created the art form called papiers colles (glued on papers), the beginning of the collage as we know it.
  41. What is abstract art?
    Art that emphasizes design, or whose basic character has little visual reference to real natural things
  42. What is nonrepresentational art?
    Art that has no recognizable subject matter, that does not depict real or natural things in any way. Also called non-objective art.
  43. How is an illusion of depth created in abstract art?
    Using the principles of position, overlapping, size, color, value, and linear perspective also apply to abstraction. These principles may be combined to create space that appears flat, shallow, or deep.
  44. List an example of a abstract painting
    Orange, Blue, Green by John Ferren
  45. Select a cubist image from this chapter and describe how the artist abstracted space and forms
    • Coffee Grinder and glass by Juan Gris and Still life with Grapes and Clarinet by Georges Braque where the artist flattened a space and fractured the forms by showing various views in the same picture.
    • Guitar by Pablo Picasso was a constructed sculpture
  46. Select an abstract or non representational image from the chapter and explain how the artist indicated depth
    In Sir-Ris, Victor Varsarely used lines. In Orange, Blue Green, John Ferren used overlapping and color. In Thunder Shower, Aurther Dove used color
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Space-Chapter 5