Nora Beard

  1. Skill 1.1: Using different communication styles
    We must take into consideration to adjust our communication styles for different audiences; some styles may not work for certain people [student versus administrator or parent]. Teachers must be sensitive, considerate and appropriate while holding high expectations for their students both in and outside of the classroom
  2. Skill 1.2: How do students learn to spell?
    Students learn to spell and speak through a constructive developmental process. They will continue to pass through multiple stages of writing [symbols/shapes --> creating letters/words]. Students will learn to represent each letter into horizontal, vertical or diagonal line segments [short, tall, or tail letters].
  3. Skill 1.3: What are the positive and negatives for students and media?
    • Educational media can have a positive impact on the student but many adolescents are viewing uncensored sex and violence; the results provide special challenges/opportunities for teachers and students. Educational media can make learning more productive and effective.
    • Positive outcomes include positive studying skills, prepared for classes, participation, promoting parent-student relationships, and incorporating multi-cultural experiences via literature.
  4. What are the five stages of using the "multi-media teaching model"?
    • 1. Figure out what the students know/don't know
    • 2. Design the tests
    • 3. Find/modify materials
    • 4. Do assignment
    • 5. Evaluate procedure/revise
    • *Always include pictures, words, contrasting colors, bullet points and hands-on activities*
  5. Skill 1.4: What are the goals for "Reading Workshops"?
    Reading workshops will allow students to read books they want to read, learn that other students may have same dreams, emotions and needs as their friends/classmates through sharing and class discussions. Teachers should have students respond after reading and relate it to their own lives.
  6. What are the outcomes for "Writing Workshops"?
    Writing workshops should encourage students to write stories about people around them while incorporating multicultural issues. Pen-pals from different states/countries can show other students may share similar language, beliefs, religions, and personal life stories at home. Teachers should include guest speakers having students write questions and a thank you note post-interview.
  7. Skill 1.5: What are the stages for preparing a speech/presentation?
    • 1. Discovery [Finding a topic and multiple sources]
    • 2. Organization [Find purpose, develop thesis/conclusion]
    • 3. Editing [MOST IMPORTANT stage; make drastic changes if and when needed]
  8. Skill 2.1: What are the five stages of the "writing process"?
    • 1. Pre-writing
    • 2. Writing
    • 3. Revising
    • 4. Editing
    • 5. Publishing
    • These steps can be recursive [happen out of that order or be repeated]
  9. Pre-writing activities can include class discussion on topics, mapping out ideas, dividing into smaller group discussion and researching possible topics. What is the purpose of editing and proofreading?
    To correct punctuation and mechanical errors and perform the final draft.
  10. Skill 2.2: What are the four main forms [modes] of writing?
    • 1. Narrative [Tells a story/events in chronological order] -- News reports or movies
    • 2. Descriptive [Experiences available through five senses] -- Poetry
    • 3. Expository [Inform the audience] -- Driving or instructions for putting things together
    • 4. Persuasion [Persuade the minds of the audience or get them to do something] -- Sermons

    Persuasive [A combination of all four modes listed above]
  11. What is the mode[s] of letters and research reports?
    • Letters: can be any of the four modes listed above
    • Research Reports: A type of expository writing written for a particular audience wanting to know the results.
  12. Skill 2.3: What are the four sentence structures in English grammar?
    • 1. Simple [Joyce wrote a letter]
    • 2. Compound [Joyce wrote a letter, and Dot drew a picture]
    • 3. Complex [While Joyce wrote a letter, Dot drew a picture]
    • 4. Compound-Complex [When Mother asked the girls to demonstrate their newfound skills, Joyce wrote a letter, and Dot drew a picture]
  13. What are the seven different types of parallelisms in English?
    • 1. Prepositional [Father saw the doge eating table scraps on the floor]
    • 2. Gerund
    • 3. Particpial [Dot tugged at a loose thread hanging from her skirt]
    • 4. Infinitive [The Dean warned Fred to improve his behavior]
    • 5. Redundancy
    • 6. Omission
    • 7. Double negatives
  14. Skill 2.4: Teachers need to understand the various conventions of writing that serve a purpose of making comprehension easier for its readers. What are the 8 different types of conventions in English?
    • 1. Paraphrasing
    • 2. Transitions between paragraphs
    • 3. Ideas
    • 4. Sentences
    • 5. Topic sentences
    • 6. Concluding sentences
    • 7. Appropriate vocabulary
    • 8. Sufficient context

    If a topic sentence suggests the paragraph will be about the causes of the Civil War, the rest of the paragraph should actually explain specific causes of the war.
Card Set
Nora Beard
Language Arts ESOL ORELA