DEN 101

  1. What does an anatomical chart show?
    • -crown of the tooth
    • -the crown and a small portion of the root
    • -or the crown and the complete root.
  2. How does the geometric charts show teeth?
    as circles
  3. When did the ADA adopt the Universal/National System for numbering?
  4. What numbering system is widely used in Canada and European countries?
    Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI)
  5. Class One caries include the following three types of developmental cavities in the pit and fissures of teeth.
    • *Occlusal surfaces of the posterior teeth (premolars and molars)
    • *Buccal or lingual pits on the molars
    • *Lingual pit near the cingulum of the maxillary incisors
  6. In this class....cavities can be found on the interproximal surface (mesial or distal) of the anterior teeth.

    examples: canines, lateral incisors, and central incisors
    Class Three
  7. Caries are on the interproximal surface (mesial or distal) of anterior teeth and include the incisal edge

    What class is this?
    Class Four
  8. How do temporary crowns come?
    stainless steel or plastic
  9. A restoration created when several layers of pure gold are placed in the preparation. This restoration is not commonly used today.
    Gold foil
  10. This is normally due to periodontal disease or trauma.
  11. Excessive restorative material normally found interproximally near the gingiva.
    usually mesial or distal.
  12. This could be noted on a chart as "watch" or red notes on a patients chart if they have this.

    It is not yet decay, but the surface has begun to decalcify.
  13. What are abutments?
    The attached sides of a bride.
  14. What bride is only attached on one side?
    cantilever bridge
  15. What is a sealant?
    It is a resin material used to seal pits and fissures to prevent decay
  16. When the pulp is removed and replaced with a filling material.
    Root canal
  17. May be known as a "filling"
  18. What kind of bride may be useful in an are that has little stress, such as a missing lateral.
    cantilever bridge
  19. how are missing teeth that are either removed or have never erupted seen?
    As an "X"
  20. How are teeth impacted seen?
    They are circled
  21. How does an occlusal amalgam restoration look?
    It's in BLUE and it's a colored in circle.
  22. What do most dental charts show????
    • anatomic representation of the teeth
    • geometric representation of the teeth
    • primary dentition
    • permanent dentition
  23. What class involves the incisal and/or an occlusal surface worn away due to abrasion?
    Class Six
  24. Which of the following "classes of cavities" could be referred to as simple?
    • Class ONE
    • Class THREE
    • Class FIVE
  25. All teeth support one another. What can occur when a tooth is removed and a space is created?
  26. What could be a result of excessive restorative material?
  27. Sulcus depth of ________________ millimeter(s) is considered periodontal disease.
  28. Which restoration would be charted as outlined with swervy lines?
    stainless steel
  29. Composite restorations are charted how?
  30. A restoration charted as outlined with dots drawn would represent a(n) _______________restoration.
Card Set
DEN 101