When was the Anglo Saxon Period?
What was one of the earliest epics that when first discovered was in cunieform script?
Gilgamesh Epic
In the Gilgamesh epics were found, what were they written in?
cunieform script on clay tablets.
In the Gilgamesh epic what was unique about the king?
He was part human and part god.
What is Londonium?
Preset day London
What are two facts about Londonium?
- It was founded by the Romans
- It was known as a trading port
___________ was founded by the Romas
___________ was known as a trading port
What happened in 409 AD?
Romans withdrew from Britian
When did the Romans withdraw from Britian?
409 AD
When did London regain its importance?
Where is London located?
along the Thimes river
Today London is a leading what?
financial, cultural and commercial center
When was Beowoulf first recorded?
What happened in 700?
Beowoulf discovered
Who was Venerable Bead?
- a monk and scholar known for "History of the English Church and People"
- Father of English history
Who was the father of English History?
Who wrote "History of the English Church and People"
What was Bead's purpose?
to show how church brought unity to England
Up to the point of Bead, there was a lot of what?
When did Alfred the Great become the King of England?
When was the Exitor book written?
What was the Exitor book?
- book of English poetry
- our chief source of Anglo Saxon poetry
When did the Anglo Saxon period come to an end?
Why did the Anglo Saxon period come to an end?
Norman invasion and N defeats the Saxons
Who became King after the end of the Anglo Saxons?
William the Conquorer
What comprised the island of great Britain?
England, Scotland, Wales
What is the then area of Great Britain now known as?
United Kingdom
Why is present day knowledge of Briton limited?
they left no writing
Who were the first ancient people?
From what time did the Celts dominate most of Western and Central Europe?
700 BC
From 700 BC the Celts dominated most of where?
Western and Central Europe
Celts had what two highly developed systems?
Highly developed religion and that specified individual rights
What did the Celts legal system specify?
Individual Rights
The language of the Celts dominate where until when?
Great Britian until about 5th century
What is the meaning of the word Druids?
"knowing the oak tree"
How long have Druids existed?
Since around 3rd century BC
What was considered sacred by the Celts?
- oak trees
- mistletoe > kissing under originated with the Druids
Within the Celtic society, the Druids developed what?
an upper class
What was transmigration of the souls?
belief that soul was immortal. passing in death from one person to another
Who was Sir Thomas Mallory?
he created King Arthur and the knights of the round table
What were Irish folktales filled with?
- ideas of good luck
- -come from celtic tales of love an magic
Where do the ideas for Irish folk tales come from?
The Celtic tales of love and magic
Romans were known as what?
Great Administrators
What was built in Britain that linked tribal capitals together?
5000 miles of stone roads
Who built 5000 miles of stone roads?
The Romans
What did the 5000 miles of stone road that the Romans built do?
- Linked tribal capitals like London, York, and Witchester
- facilitated trade
- collection of taxes and movement of troops
What was the Hadrians Wall?
a 73 mile great defense wall that linked the North Se and Atlantic near present day border between England and Scotland
What was along the Hadrians wall and what were they used for?
17 large stone forts used in order to house Roman legions who were guarding the frontier
Old Britian and Celts were the same people? T or F?
Who drove out the Celts?
The Anglo Saxons
What were positive attributes in the eyes of Anglo Saxons?
love of freedom, chase (pure) women, lack of public extravagance
Why was King Alfred so dang Great?
- helped save Wessex and other kingdoms from the Danes
- Helped to create cohesive English society
- example: any cities destroyed during invasion he helped restore
- revived interest in learning
What were small kingdoms referred to as?
What was the old warrior religion?
Who was St. Augustine?
most important missionary
Who was Caedmon?
the first English religious poet
What was success measured in?
Gifts to the leader
What were the two classes in society?
Thanes or the Earls and the Churls or the Bondservants
Who was the upper and lower class in society?
Thanes=upper and Churls= lower (always trying to seek independent freedom)
What is "Witan"?
a wiseman
Who did the Anglo Saxon king consult with?
Who were Churls?
an assembly of respected Earls who provided the hard labor
If the two groups were not bound, what would happen?
they would receive royal favors
Who is Saint Hilda?
Originally founded Whitby Abbey
Who originally founded Whitby Abbey?
Saint Hilda>Hild
What was Whitby Abbey?
a place for monks and nuns
What happened in 867?
Whitby Abbey was destroyed by Vikings
When was Whitby Abbey destroyed?
What is "wyrd"?
word used to represent ones faith in life
How did you gain fame in Anglo Saxon culture?
be heroic
What did Anglo Saxons believed survived death?
Who was Scop?
A skilled storyteller/professional poet
brewed from the blood of a wise guy and murdered by dwarfs
Mead came into possesion of a what
a giant
Giant was stolen by who
What did the giant become?
n eagle
Where did the eagle carry poetry to?
the world of the gods
What was poetry originally considered as?
a sacred mead
Poetry described as" ________" or "__________"
"Odins theft" or "Kusir's blood"
What is another name for a common hall?
mead hall
Poetry was what kind of art?
an oral art
What were the two most important traditions of Anglo Saxon poetry?
- Heroic (Beowulf)
- Elegiac (Seafarer)
What is an example of a heroic?
What is an example of an Elegiac?
What is an elegy?
morns the death of a person or lament something lost
What is the shamrock?
a three leafed plant and the national flower and symbol of Ireland
What did St. Patrick use the shamrock for?
used it to describe the holy trinity. 3 person god head of Christianity (father, spirit, holy ghost)
What was the purpose of monostaries?
they were centers for learning
Who wrote the Anglo Saxon Chronicle?
King Alfred
What was the Anglo Saxon Chronicle?
- the first historical documentation of England
- first important prose work of England
Define epic
a long narrative poem that relates the great deeds of a larger than life hero who embodies the values of a particular society
Define epithet
an adjective or other descriptive phrase that is regularly used to characterize a person, place, or thing
Define archetype
a pattern that appears in literature across cultures and is repeated through the ages. can be a character, plot, image, or setting
What is a kenning?
- a special metaphor made of compound words
- staple of Anglo Saxon literature that also has a place in our language today
What all did King Alfred do? Why is he so great?
- Maintained diplomatic wall neighboring kings
- set frequent embassys to Rome
- corresponded with the patriarch of Jerusalem >even been said he set a mission as far as India
- formulated a code of law and founded the first English public schools
When did William of Normady become king?
When is the traditional date for the first Germanic invasion of Britain?
Who unified England?
King Alfred of Wessex
Who was Saint Augustine?
The first arch bishop of Canterberry
Why did so little Anglo Saxon poems survive?
they were oral
What role did the Roman empire play in the early history of England?
they beautified it and built many useful roads
Until what date was England part of the Roman Empire?
What happened when Roman soldiers left to go home?
invaded by the Germanic people
What did the Normans bring with them when they conquered the Anglo Saxons?
a common language