Duchamps fountain 1917, hallmark of the Dada era.
Ready Mades
The readymades of Marcel Duchamp are ordinary manufactured objects that the artist selected and modified, as an antidote to what he called "retinal art".[1] By simply choosing the object (or objects) and repositioning or joining, tilting and signing it, the object became art. As the process involved the least amount of interaction between artist and art, it represented the most extreme form of minimalism up to that time.
Found object
The term found art—more commonly found object (French: objet trouvé) or readymade—describes art created from the undisguised, but often modified, use of objects that are not normally considered art, often because they already have a non-art function. Marcel Duchamp was the originator of this in the early 20th century.
Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in Zürich, Switzerland, during World War I and peaked from 1916 to 1922. The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature—poetry, art manifestoes, art theory—theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti-war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works.
Created by Andre Breton after he told Tristan Tzara other Dadaists to fuck Dada cuz it was politically ignorant child's play. Dali is the poster boy. Took ideas from Freud about the unlocking of the unconscious. Usually using dreams and inducing states of insanity to reach it.
Painters of Abstract Expressionism
Arshile Gorky, Willem De Kooning, Clyfford Still, Adolp Gottileb Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Barnet Newman
Drip painting
Jackson Pollock
Color Field Painting
Mark Rothko
Zip Painting
Barnet Newman. He was the neurotically insecure one.
Characteristics of Abstract Expressionism
"flat" canvases. abstract imagery, visible brushwork, often mural size canvases, religious, mythical, spiritual content
The Beat Generation
American writers who came to prominence in the 1950s, and the cultural phenomena that they wrote about and inspired (later sometimes called "beatniks"). Central elements of "Beat" culture included experimentation with drugs and alternative forms of sexuality, an interest in Eastern religion, and a rejection ofmaterialism. Alienated poets, lots of homosexuals and burnouts that contradict the sterile image of 1950's American culture.
Robert Frank
Robert Frank (born November 9, 1924), born in Zürich, Switzerland, is an important figure in American photography and film. His most notable work, the 1958 photographic book titled Les Américains [The Americans], was influential in the post-war period, and earned Frank comparisons to a modern-day de Tocqueville for his fresh and skeptical outsider's view of American society. Frank later expanded into film and video and experimented with compositing and manipulating photographs.
The Americans
Robert Franks outsider photography look on American life. Noted mainly for its depictions of a culture that contradicts sterilized American white culture. Also noted for it's amateur look, but I think it looks dandy.
Robert Rauschenberg.
was an American artist who came to prominence in the 1950s transition fromAbstract Expressionism to Pop Art. Rauschenberg is well-known for his "Combines" of the 1950s, in which non-traditional materials and objects were employed in innovative combinations. Rauschenberg was both a painter and a sculptor and the Combines are a combination of both, but he also worked with photography, printmaking, papermaking, and performance. He was awarded the National Medal of Arts in 1993, but whatev.
Combine painting
A combine painting is an artwork that incorporates various objects into a painted canvas surface, creating a sort of hybrid between paintingand sculpture. Rauschenbergs thing, pretty much.
Rauschenberg's live tennis thing. Open Score.
Combine painting. Monogram by Raushenberg
John Cage
I think it's this guy that made the silent symphony and stuff, because apparently silence is a noise worthy of music.
The concept of Unfocusing
- It's like trying to listen to a pop song and noticing all parts equally.Kinda hard.
- Concept created by John Cage.
John Cage had what idea about musical compositions?
He supposed that all sounds and objects can count in a composition. This includes silence.
Junk Art
Art made from junk and shit.
Sky Cathedral by Louise Nevelson. Unimportant junk that looks important from a distance.Nevelson is known for her abstract expressionist “crates” grouped together to form a new creation. She used found objects or everyday discarded things in her “assemblages” or assemblies, one of which was three stories high:
John Chamberlain. Junk artist
A happening is a performance, event or situation meant to be considered as an art, usually as performance art. Happenings take place anywhere (from basements to studio lofts and even street alley ways), are often multi-disciplinary, with a nonlinear narrative and the active participation of the audience. Key elements of happenings are planned, but artists sometimes retain room for improvisation. This new media art aspect to happenings eliminates the boundary between the artwork and its viewer. Henceforth, the interactions between the audience and the artwork makes the audience, in a sense, part of the art.In the later sixties, perhaps due to the depiction in films of hippie culture, the term was used much less specifically to mean any gathering of interest, from a pool hall meetup or ajamming of a few young people to a beer blast or fancy formal party.
Allan Kaprow
Allan Kaprow (August 23, 1927 – April 5, 2006) was an American painter, assemblagist and a pioneer in establishing the concepts ofperformance art. He helped to develop the "Environment" and "Happening" in the late 1950s and 1960s, as well as their theory. His Happenings - some 200 of them - evolved over the years. Eventually Kaprow shifted his practice into what he called "Activities", intimately-scaled pieces for one or several players, devoted to the study of normal human activity in a way congruent to ordinary life. Fluxus,Performance art, and Installation art was, in turn, influenced by his work.
Jim Dine and Red Grooms worked with
Assemblage is an artistic process in which a three-dimensional artistic composition is made from putting together found objects.
Fluxus Art
Fluxus—a name taken from a Latin word meaning "to flow"—is an international network of artists, composers and designers noted for blending different artistic media and disciplines in the 1960s. They have been active in Neo-Dada noise music and visual art as well asliterature, urban planning, architecture, and design. Fluxus is often described as intermedia, a term coined by Fluxus artist Dick Higginsin a famous 1966 essay.
Qualities of Fluxus
Originally from GERMANY. YOKO ONO is a participant. Fluxus is similar in spirit to the earlier art movement of Dada, emphasizing the concept of anti-art and taking jabs at the seriousness of modern art.[1] Fluxus artists used their minimal performances to highlight their perceived connections between everyday objects and art, similarly to Duchamp in pieces such as Fountain.[1] Fluxus art was often presented in "events", which Fluxus member George Brecht defined as "the smallest unit of a situation".[1][10] The events consisted of a minimal instruction, opening the events to accidents and other unintended effects.[11] Also contributing to the randomness of events was the integration of audience members into the performances, realizing Duchamp's notion of the viewer completing the art work.[11]The Fluxus artistic philosophy can be expressed as a synthesis of four key factors that define the majority of Fluxus work:Fluxus is an attitude. It is not a movement or a style.[12]Fluxus is intermedia.[13] Fluxus creators like to see what happens when different media intersect. They use found and everyday objects, sounds, images, and texts to create new combinations of objects, sounds, images, and texts.Fluxus works are simple. The art is small, the texts are short, and the performances are brief.Fluxus is fun. Humour has always been an important element in Fluxus.
Nam Jun Paik TV and Video Art
The Store by Claes Oldenburg. It was all of his uncanny but familiar everyday items crammed into a small space.
Floor Cake, an example of soft sculpture by Claes Oldenburg.
Soft Dormeyer Mixers by Claes Oldenburg. It's soft sculpture and totally phallic.
Clothespin by Oldenburg and Coosje Van Bruggen. All of Oldenburgs public art pieces were collaborations with this person. I think it's his wife.
- False Start Oil Painting
- Jasper Johnsm an artist that likes to paing targets, maps, flags, plays with color, language and meaning.
Target with Plaster Casts Jasper Johns.
Jasper Johns Three Flags Encaustic , oil and collage on fabric mounted on plywood,1954-55
Painted Bronze in Painted Bronze by Jasper Johns
International Klein Blue made popular by Yves Klein. IKB.
Monochromes of Yves Klein
Despite the IKB paintings being uniformly coloured, Klein experimented with various methods of applying the paint; firstly different rollers and then later sponges, created a series of varied surfaces. This experimentalism would lead to a number of works Klein made using naked female models covered in blue paint and dragged across or laid upon canvases to make the image, using the models as "living brushes". This type of work he called Anthropometry
Nouveau réalisme
Nouveau Réalisme (New Realism) refers to an artistic movement founded in 1960 by the art critic Pierre Restany[1] and the painter Yves Klein during the first collective exposition in the Apollinaire gallery in Milan
Jean Tingueley
Jean Tinguely (22 May 1925 in Fribourg, Switzerland – 30 August 1991 in Bern) was a Swiss painter and sculptor. He is best known for his sculptural machines or kinetic art, in the Dada tradition; known officially as metamechanics. Tinguely's art satirized the mindless overproduction of material goods in advanced industrial society.
Jean Tinguely Homage to New York
Noveau Realiste his work is stacks of objects such as chellos, paintbrushes or telephones
Joseph Beuys
Joseph Beuys His career was characterized by passionate, even acrimonious public debate, but he is now regarded as one of the most influential artists of the 20th century. He was basically a Nazi by default, had guilt over it. Almost died but kept alive with felt and fat, makes ACTIONS.
What items where mythological to Joseph Beuys?
- Fat and felt, which kept him alive during his service in the German Military.
How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare by Joseph Beuys. Action.
I like America and America likes me. Joseph Beuys Action.
Alchemy within the context of Joseph Beuys work
Bueys transformative materials such as metal, honey, gold, felt, fat, a live coyote etc.
Glazed Ceramic Klown Funk Art Arneson
Gold Marilyn Monroe Photos Silkscreen Warhol Pop Art
Blam Roy Lichtenstein Pop Art