Medical Terminology

  1. alveolus (alveol - small, hollow air sac; -us pertaining to)
    pertaining to a small air sac in the lungs
  2. anthracosis (anthrac - coal; -osis condition usually abnormal)
    black lung, a lung conditin caused by inhalation of coal dust and silica
  3. apnea (a- lack of; -pnea breathing)
    temporary cessation of breathing
  4. asphyxia (a- lack of; sphyx - pulse; -ia condition)
    condition in which there is a depletion of oxygen in the blood with an increase of carbon dioxide in the blood and tissues; symptoms include dyspnea, cyanosis, and rapid pulse
  5. aspiration (aspirat - to draw in; -ion process)
    process of drawing in or out by suction; can draw foreign bodies into the nose, throat, or lungs on inspiration
  6. asthma
    disease of the bronchi characterized by wheezing, dyspnea, and a feeling of constriction in the chest
  7. Cheyne-Stokes respiration
    rhythmic cycle of breathing with a gradual increase in respiration followed by apnea (which may last from 10 to 60 secs), then a repeat of the same cycle
  8. cough
    sudden, forceful expulsion of air from the lungs; an essential protective response that clears irritants, secretions, or foreign objects from the trachea, bronchi, and/or lungs
  9. croup
    acute respiratory disease (ARD) characterized by obstruction of the larynx, a barking cough, dyspnea, hoarseness, and stridor
  10. cyanosis (cyan - dark blue; -osis condition usually abnormal)
    abnormal condition of the skin and mucous membrane caused by oxygen deficiency in the blood.
  11. cystic fibrosis (CF) (cyst - sac; -ic pertaining to; fibr - fiber; -osis conditon usually abnormal)
    inherited disease that affects the pancreas, respiratory system, and sweat glands
  12. diaphragmatocele (diaphrag- diaphragm; mat/o - partition; -cele hernia, tumor, swelling)
    hernia of the diaphragm
  13. dysphonia (dys- difficult; phon - voice; -ia condition)
    condition of difficulty in speaking; hoarsenes
  14. dyspnea (dys- difficult; -pnea breathing)
    difficulty in breathing
  15. emphysema
    chronic pulmonary disease in which the alveoli become distended and the alveolar walls become damaged or destroyed, making it difficult to exhale air from the lungs.
  16. empyema
    pus in a body cavity, especially the pleural cavity
  17. epistaxis (epi- upon; -staxis dripping)
  18. eupnea (eu- good, normal; -pnea breathing)
    good or normal breathing
  19. exhalation (ex- out; halat - breathe; -ion process)
    process of breathing out
  20. expectoration (ex- out; pectorat - chest, breast; -ion process)
    process of coughing up and spitting out material (sputum) from the lungs, bronchi, and trachea
  21. Heimlich maneuver
    technique for removing a foreign body (usually a bolus of food) that is blocking the trachea
  22. hemoptysis (hem/o - blood; -ptysis to spit)
    spitting up blood
  23. hyperpnea (hyper- excessive; -pnea breathing)
    excessive or rapid breathing
  24. hyperventilation (hyper- excessive; ventilat - to air; -ion process)
    process of excessive ventilation, thereby increasing the air in the lungs beyond the normal limit
  25. hypoxia (hyp- below, deficient; ox - oxygen; -ia process)
    condition of deficient amounts of oxygen in the inspired air
  26. influenza
    acute, contagious repiratory infection caused by a virus.
  27. inhalation (in- in; halat - breathe; -ion process)
    process of breathing in
  28. Legionnaires' disease
    severe pulmonary pneumonia caused by legionella pneumophilia
  29. mesothelioma (mes/o - middle; thel/i - nipple; -oma tumor)
    malignant tumor of mesothelium (serous membrane of the pleura) caused by the inhalation of asbestos
  30. olfaction (olfact - smell; -ion process)
    process of smelling
  31. orthopnea (orth/o - straight; -pnea breathing)
    inability to breathe unless in a upright or straight position
  32. pertussis
    acute, infectious disease caused by a bacterium bordetella pertussis; charcaterized by a peculiar paroxysmal cough ending in a "crowing" or "whooping" sound; also called whooping cough
  33. pleurisy
    inflammation of the pleura caused by injury, infection, or a tumor
  34. pleuritis (pleur - pleura; -itis inflammation)
    inflammation of the pleura
  35. pneumonia (pneumon - lung, air; -ia condition)
    inflammation of the lung caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, or chemical irritants
  36. polyp
    tumor with a stem; can occur where there are mucous membranes, such as the nose, ears, mouth, uterus, and intestines
  37. rale
    abnormal sound heard on auscultation of the chest; a crackling, rattling, or bubbling sound
  38. respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
    condition that can occur in a a premature infant in which the lungs are not matured to the point of manufacturing lecithin, a pulmonary surfactant, resulting in collapse of the alveoli, which leads to cyanosis and hypoxia
  39. rhinoplasty (rhin/o - nose; -plasty surgical repair)
    surgical repair of the nose
  40. rhinorrhea (rhin/o - nose; -rrhea flow, discharge)
    discharge from the nose
  41. rhinovirus (rhin/o - nose; vir - virus; -us pertaining to)
    one of a subgroup viruses that cause the common cold (coryza) in humans
  42. rhonchus (rhonch - snore; -us pertaining to)
    rale or rattling sound in the throat or bronchial tubes caused by a partial obstruction
  43. severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
    contagious respiratory infection that was first described in February 2003; serious form of pneumonia resulting in acute respiratory distress and somtimes death
  44. spirometer (spir/o - breath; -meter instrument to measure)
    instrument used to measure the volume of respired air
  45. sputum
    substance coughed up from the lungs; can be watery, thick, purulent, clear, or bloody and can contain microorganisms
  46. stridor
    high-pitched sound caused by obstruction of the air passageway
  47. tachypnea (tachy- fast; -pnea breathing)
    fast breathing
  48. tracheostomy (trache/o - trachea, windpipe; -stomy new opening)
    new opening into the trachea (windpipe).
  49. tuberculosis (TB) (tubercul - a little swelling; -osis condition usually abnormal)
    infectious disease caused by the tubercle baccillus
  50. wheeze
    whistling sound caused by obstruction of the air passageway
  51. ABGs
    arterial blood gases
  52. AIDS
    acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
  53. ARDS
    adult respiratory distress syndrome
  54. CF
    cystic fibrosis
  55. COLD
    chronic obstructive lung disease
  56. COPD
    chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  57. ENT
    ear, nose, throat (otorhinolaryngology)
  58. ET
  59. HIV
    human immunodficiency virus
  60. IRDS
    infant respiratory distress syndrome
  61. RD
    respiratory disease
  62. SARS
    severe acute respiratory syndrome
  63. SIDS
    sudden infant death syndrome
  64. SOB
    shortness of breath
  65. TLC
    total lung capacity
  66. URI
    upper respiratory infection
Card Set
Medical Terminology
medical vocabulary and abbrevations