
  1. what type of collagen gives adipose tissue it's structure?
    type III, reticular tissue
  2. adipose tissue is highly ______, meaning it gets lots of blood
  3. where is adipose tissue located
    subcutaneous, body cavities, surrounding organs/tissues
  4. what are the functions of adipose tissue?
    lipid storage (steroid, energy, structural component) and insulation
  5. _____ _____ contains a single large lipid droplet taking up most of the cell, is yellowish in color, and is more prevalent
    unilocular fat
  6. ____ _____ has many small lipid drops, is brownish in color, uses thermogenin to avoid ATP synthesis and instead opts for heat oxidation of fatty acids, is common in infants and animals that hibernate
    multilocular fat
  7. what controls heat production in multilocular fat?
    the sympathetic nervous system
  8. a chylomicron is formed in? transported in? sent to?
    intestine, plasma, liver/fat cells
  9. chylomicrons are packaged with...
    cholesterol, phospholipids, proteins
  10. describe digestion with chylomicrons
    1-2 hours after fatty meal they rise to 1-2% of blood plasma. After 4-5 hours most of them are removed from the blood
  11. lipid digestion
    broken into fatty acids and glycerol in the intestine. Also come from liver transported with VLDLs and is manufactured from excess glucose
  12. how do the lipids get into the cells?
    once the chylomicrons and VLDLs get to capillary beds lipoprotein lipase cleaves them into glycerol and FFAs and the FFAs pass into adipocyte and reform into triglycerides
  13. how is glucose repackaged?
    it is stimulated by insulin to be taken up
  14. what hormones stimulate release from fat cells?
    growth hormone, thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids
  15. what neurotransmitter releases triglycerides?
    norepinephrine, epinephrine
  16. once in the blood, what happens to triglycerides?
    cleaved by hormone sensitive lipase and transported through the blood as FFAs by albumin to energy producing cells. HSL is activated by the same hormones that activate release of triglycerides (norepinephrine, epinephrine, growth hormone, cortisol)
  17. what regulates amounts of adipose tissue in body? what else does it do?
    leptin. controls hunger levels
Card Set
adipose tissue