Medications Vs Alcohol

  1. alprazolam, diazepam
    drowsiness, dizziness, increased risk of overdose
  2. aspirin, advil, tylenol
    stomach upset, bleeding ulcers, liver damage, increased heart rate
  3. clonazepam, phenytoin
    drowsiness, increased risk of seizures
  4. cimetidine, nizatidine
    rapid heart rate, sudden changes in blood pressure
  5. diphenhydramine, temazepam
    drowsiness, dizziness, an increased risk of overdose
  6. glyburide, metformin
    rapid heart rate, sudden changes in blood pressure, convulsions, and possibly coma
  7. griseofulvin, flagyl
    rapid heart rate, sudden changes in blood pressure, liver damage
  8. herbal preparations
    increased drowsiness
  9. hydrocodone, oxycodone
    drowsiness, dizziness, risk of overdose
  10. isosorbide, nitroglycerine (NTG)
    rapid heartbeat, sudden changes in blood pressure
  11. warfarin
    occasional drinking may lead to internal bleeding, heavier drink may have the opposite effect, resulting in clots
Card Set
Medications Vs Alcohol
drugs and common problems associated with the use of alcohol