Integumentary System
Skin and accessory structures - hair, nails, glands, muscles, nerves
Two parts of skin
- Epidermis - contains epithelial tissue
- Dermis - contains connective tissue
cutaneous membrane
- skin
- largest organ in both surface area and weight
subcutaneous (subQ) layer
also called the hypodermis
- deep to the dermis - not part of the skin
- consists of areolar and adipose tissue
- storage depot for fat - large blood vessels that supply the skin
lamellated (pacinian) corpuscles
- nerve endings in the subcutaneous layer that are sensitive to pressure
- majority of cells in the epidermis
- produce keratin
- produce lemellar granules - release a water-repellent sealant that decreses water entry and loss
keratin is a tough protein that helps protect the skin and underlying tissue
- produce melanin - pigment - yellow-red or brown-black
- melanin absorbs damaging UV light
- melanocytes produce melanin and secrete it to the keratinocytes in granular form
- melanin shields keratincytes from UV light
- 8% of epidural cells
Langerhans cells
- involved in immune response - flag pathogens for other cells to destroy
- start in red bone marrow - migrate to epidermis - small amount
Merkel cells
- specialized cell type - work in conjunction with nerves to detect touch sensation
- tactile (Merkel) disk - the sensory neuron that the Merkel cells work with
thin skin
- skin on most regions of body
- Has four strata:
- 1. stratum basale
- 2. stratum spinosum
- 3. stratum granulosum
- 4. thin stratum corneum
thick skin
- skin where exposure to friction is great - fingers, soles of feet
- No sabaceous glans and no hair folicles
- Sudoriferous glands (sweat glands) are present
- Has 5 layers:
- Stratum Basale
- Stratum spinosum
- stratum granulosum
- stratum lucidum
- thick stratum corneum
Layers of the epidermis (deep to superficial)
- made of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium
- 1. Stratum Basale - single layer
- 2. stratum spinosum - 8 to 10 layers
- 3. stratum granulosum - 3 layers
- 4. stratum lucidum -thick skin - 3 -5 layers
- 5. stratum corneum - 25-30 layers
Stratum Basale
- deepest layer of epidermis
- also called stratum germinativum - single layer
- mitotic division - one cell stays anchored and the other moves superficially to surface of skin
stratum spinosum
- keratinocytes - second deepest layer
- live cells
- look spiny when separated because of intermediate filaments connecting cells via desmosomes
tratum granulosum
lemellar granules
- mix of dead and live cells
- flattened keratinocytes undergoing apoptosis (programmed cell death)
- keratinocyes - lemellar granules - secrete water-repellent sealant that decreses water entry and loss
- keratohyalin - protein that converts tonofilaments (internediate filaments) into keratin
Stratum lucidum
- only in thick skin - dead keratincytes that have a large amount of keratin - tough cells
- no sebatious glands or hair folicles
stratum corneum
- most superficial layer of epidermis
- dead, flat, keratin filled - waterproofed
- continuously shed and replaced by deeper cells
- accumulation of keratin in cells as they move from one epidermis layer to the next
- undergo apoptosis and slough off after dead and keratinized
- Takes 4 weeks for cell to travel from stratum basale to stratum corneum and slough off
Epidermal growth facor (EGF)
hormone-like protein that regulates epidermal cell division rate and increases it when epidermis is damaged
- deeper part of skin - composed of connective tissue
- blood vessels, nerves, glands, and hair follicles in this layer
- composed of:
- 1. papillary region
- 2. reticular region
Papillary region
Dermal papillae
Epidermal ridges
Meissner corpuscles
Free nerve endings
- the most superficial of two regions of connective tissue in the dermis
- 20% of dermal layer
- Areolar CT
- Dermal papillae - nipples - project into epidermis - cause epidermal ridges
- Epidermal ridges - ridges on epidermis - fingerprints
- Meissner corpuscles - corpuscles of touch - tactile receptors in dermal papillae that are sensitive to touch
- Free nerve endings - dentrites (receptor part of neuron) that lack structural specialization - initiate signals that give rise to sensations of warmth, coolness, pain, itching
Reticular regions
- part of the dermis - attached to the subcutaneous layer
- dense irregular CT
- contains collagen and elastic fiber that give skin extensibility and elasticity
- extensibility - ability to stretch
- elasticity - ability to return to original shape after stretching
organelle of melanocytes that synthesize melanin
mole - round, flat, or raised area - results form an overgrowth of melanocytes
- carrier protein RBC
- oxygen-carrying pigment in red blood cells
- when highly oxigenatied give red or pink color to skin - pale people done have enough melanin to cover it
- yellow- orange pigment that gives egg yolks and carrots color
- precursor of vitamin A
- albinos have normal amount of melanocytes - not producing melanin at all
- vitiligo - lack of melanocytes
- skin turns blue
- not enough oxygen in blood (stopped breathing)
- blood moves to organs and away from skin (cold)
- skin looks yellow
- buildup of yellow pigment bilirubin - liver disease - liver not removing bilirubin from blood
- skin looks red
- incresed blood flow to area due to skin injury, exposure to heat, infection, inflammation, allergic reaction
- pale skin
- shock and anemia
hair follicle
epithelial root sheath
- shaft - superficial portion of hair that projects above surface of skin
- root - portion of hair deep to the shaft - pentrates into dermis
- hair follicle - surrounds the root of the hair - made of external root sheath and internal root sheath - together called the epithelial root sheath
Dermal root sheath
papilla of the hair
- dense dermis surrounding the hair follicle
- bulb - base of each hair follicle - onion-shaped structure
- papilla of the hair - nipple-shaped indentation in the bulb - areolar CT and blood vessels that nourish growing hair follicle
- matrix - in the bulb - stratum basale - responsible for growth of hair
arrector pili
muscle which contracts under physiologic or emotional stress causing the hair shaft to be perendicular to the skin surface - goose bumps
hair root plexuses
dentrites of neurons that surround each hair follicle - sensitive to touch
vellus hair
terminal hair
- lanugo - fine hair covering the body of the fatus - shed before birth
- vellus hairs - short fine hair that covers body (infancy through adulthood)
- teminal hair - thick coarse hair - head, face, pubic areas
- alopecia - partial or complete lack of hair - caused by genetic factors, aging, endocrine disorders, chemotherapy, skin disease
- hirsutism - a condition of excessive body hair
sebaceous gland
- oil glands - epithelial cells that secrete sebum
- usually connected to and opens into a hair follicle
- Sebum - oily substance that coats hairs to keep from drying - also covers skin to stop excessive evaporation of water, inhibits growth of certain bacteria, keeps skin soft and pliable
sudoriferous glands
two types of sweat glands
- sweat glands - three to four million in body - release perspiration into hair follicles or onto skin surface
- 1. Eccrine sweat gland
- 2. Apocrine sweat glands
Eccrine sweat glands
- most regions of body - esp forehead, palms, soles
- simple, coiled tubular glands - deep dermis - terminates at surface of epidermis
- Regulates body temp, waste removal
- functions soon after birth
Apocrine swear glands
- axilla (armpit), groin, areolae, beard
- simple, coiled tubular glands - subcutaneous layer - terminates in hair follicle
- emotional stress & sexual excitement
- funtions at puberty
insensible perspiration
sensible perspiration
- insensible perspiration - sweat that evaporates before it is perceived
- sensible perspiration - sweat excreted in larger amounts and is seen as moisture on the skin
ceruminous glands
- sweat glands in external ear - produce a waxy secretion
- cerumen - earwax -combined secretions of ceruminous and sebaceous glands
- plates of tightly packed, hard, dead, keratinized epidermal cells
7 Parts of the nail
- 1. Nail body - visible portion
- 2. free edge - extents past distal end of digit
- 3. nail root - buried in a fold of the skin
- 4. lunula - little moon - white area caused by thicker nail in that area
- 5. hyponychium - secures nail to fingertip
- 6. eponychium - cuticle - narrow band of epidermis that expands from and adheres to the margin of the nail wall
- 7. nail matrix - deep to the nail root - mitosis to produce nail growth
Functions of Hair
- reduce heat loss
- protects eyes, nose, ears
- senses light touch
Functions of Skin
- 1. Thermoregulation - via sweat glands and modified blood flow
- 2. Protection - from heat, dehydration, microbes - langerhans cells, microphages
- 3. Cutaneous sensations - cold, hot, pressure, pain
- 4. Excretion and Absorption -excretes water, ammonia, urea - absorbs lipid soluble vit A, D, E, K, cortizone, toxins
- 5. Synthesis of Vit D - liver and kidneys use UV rays to prodice calcitriol - hormone that aids in absorbtion of calcuim
Blood resevor
dermis houses extensive newwork of blood vessels - carry 8-10% of total blood flow
Epidermal wound healing
contact inhibition
epidermal injury - basal cells around wound break contact with basement membrane and migrate across wound until they encounter one another - contact inhibition causes them to stop migrating
Deep wound healing
four phases of wound healing
granulation tissue
- wound that extends to dermis and subcutaneous layer
- 1. inflammatory phase - blood clot forms and loosely unites edge of wound
- 2. migratory phase- clot becomes scab, epithelial tissue migrate under scab to bridge wound. Tissue filling the wound is called granulation tissue
- 3. proliferative phase - extensive growth of epithelial cells beneath scab
- 4. maturation phase - scab sloughs off - blood vessels restored to normal
vascular and cellular response that helps eliminate microbes, foreign material, and dying material in prep for repair
Hypertrophic scar
keloid scar
- process of scar tissue formation
- Hypertrophic scar - a scar that remains within the boundaries of the original wound
- keloid scar - scar tissue that extends beyond the bounderies into normal surrounding tissue